Clueless anticipation

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"Its definitely her, there is no second thought in it!", James looked into the combined footage which they had extracted from the hotel.
"Why would she walk out on her own, this doesnt connects to anything only that she might not want to face the heat once again!", Hannah checked the awards schedule for the night as she spoke about Alisa's runaway.

"True, Hannah, but we might not have much time. In a matter of hours this all will create another havoc..!" James dialed the phone while he talked to Hannah.
"Get the sniffers out and search the surrounding areas, report me back if you find anything substantial", James had been very alert from the moment he got involved.

He had been a major figure in celebrity protocols over the years. Ex-military seal who achieved highest valour medals and this particular situation had confused him . Those broken fragments had no strings attached. Alisa being so excited about the awards, flee like this didnot make any sense. And there was no trail of her.
He was nervous inside, it was his obligation to keep and eye under any circumstance but he was left head scratching.. He grimmed in anger and personally checked every exit to get a hold of situation.

"Sir the sniffers stop and bark towards the west side of the city, wh have tried the procedure twice to be sure," guard told James about the whole situation.
"Fair enough I think its getting out of hand, we have to involve the cops before making our next move", James said.

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