Inevitable encounters

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"Did you manage to extract information", Italian guy asked in his peculiar accent!!
He was scratching his head. What he did could be his last act on planet earth. Martin did not answer.
"Come back to life ",Italian guy grabbed his arm and jolted him.
"What's wrong? we cant waste time!", Italian guy snapped Martin out of his mysery upon no response.
"Oh yes, I have them but not the coordinates only, I have all the documents with me... "
Martin looked as if he was working onto something in his head.
"What?" Italian guy had the sky fallen on his head.
"Are you kidding me, it was supposed to be a sneaky job!! What now?,Romero is going to search heavens and hell if he has to, for these documents!" He bombarded Martin with questions.
"Nothing we run,we run like decided if situation gets otherwise!"
He looked determined, under huge stress it never looked that martin was afraid or had some pressure up his head.
"Have you set the timer on the van", Martin asked.
Italian guy nodded as they both changed into their disguise.

Martin wore thick frames with a wig which elongated his hair, it was a piggy tail sort and to add final touch to his disguise he added a blend of fake mustache thickish in texture to completely change his looks. Italain guy was a man of simple taste he turned into a garbage collector, removed his prosthetic chin which was desgined duely for changing him into a waiter for room service.
It was the mean time when they heard hassle.
"I think its Romero's men, he definitely has opened the safe again"Martin zipped his hoodie and grabbed his car keys.
"Listen I am going out and I will gather the money won from the pots. Meanwhile you set the van in place as planned. Once we are done. I will pick you from the other block you just run from the scene as fast as you can. And best of luck my friend be on the other side with me, alive and make sure you impact with a loud bang" Martin hugged the Italian guy before he moved out.
"I love u man, I will be there, dont worry about me", Italian guy responded with equal brotherly love.

Martin walked out from the change room which was located in one corner..
Italian guy on the other hand rushed to his van and drove it out of parking to the main exit.
As he reached the exit he was swamped by Romero's men
"Step out of the car" one of the men pointed 9mm pistol at the wind screen!
Italian guy moved out of the car with his hands in the air.
"I am the garbage collector sir, please dont kill me, I live a very humble life and only bread earner of my house ",
Italian guy acted cheesy on purpose.
"Shut the fuck up, stop shouting asshole", the guy checked him and found nothing, then he asked "whats in the van?".
"Its all rotten stuff like waste, food left overs, empty booze bottles you want me to open the back doors sir, I can do that? ", Italian guy was one funky sucker with attributes of an actor thrown apart by harships of life.
"Get out filthy sloth", the men pushed him into the van..
Italian guy was a mocker to the bandits, he scoffed while he drove off..what else can we expect from a mid aged expert..

Martin reached the money counter in the main hall where Romero's men were checking each and everyone. One of the men came next to Martin stared at him and went back, his disguise saved him . He grabbed the money and rushed towards his car.Romero's men had covered everything up and Martin was at higher risk of getting caught as he wash the holder of Romero's documents. But it was the last move before Chris could execute the other half of their plan therefore he had to focus and keep calm.

"Stop right there", Martin was at the back exit of the Casino when Romero's goon asked him to stop.
"Come out big boy", he asked in a bossy tone.
"What ?who are you?, why in the world are you polluting the air", Martin refused to get out.
The goon placed semi automatic which he was holding, against Martin's neck.
"Okay,I am coming out relax man", Martin came out of car and looked around .Only three men were at that place and two three cars had lined up behind Martin's car.
One of the guy started searching the car and other one started checking Martin.
He first rubbed his hands on the front portion of Martin's upper torso.
As he rolled Martin to check him from behind his hands landed on the documents "Whats this?", goon asked. Before he could react Martin rolled back in an instant and twisted his arm. Before he could come out of shock Martin leaned forward and broke his jaw with a full thrusted punch,grabbed him by his arms and shot the semi automatic at the guy standing in front..who was finding a vertex to shot Martin. The bullet had gone through his thigh making him fall on the floor. Without changing direction Martin threw a pocket knife at the third guy which snicked his neck then he pounced at him at a perfect angle to punch side of his neck. The punch landed perfectly at his neck which knock him out.
Martin was so swift that it merely took a moment to knock out all three of them .. He then entered his car and sped away with other men rushing to the back exit hearing the gunshots ...

When I am aloneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें