Beauty personified

56 19 27

"She is a pageant of beauty, what on earth is more prettier than her. She is scintillating .What I am seeing is giving me goose bumps.This arrogant face has cuteness hidden behind it", Chris pushed her hair to the back of her ears from her face. He zipped her hoodie up, "zip up pretty girl, ur too fragile to handle the bitterness of cold", Chris said in a caring manner.
Alisa was laying just in front of the ocean on wet sand, in a cold night, knocked unconscious. Chris had aptly stitched her up after removing the steel rod from her belly. He had cleaned all her bruises with antiseptic and had placed a temporary shoulder support so that it reduces the swealling before the dislocated shoulder could be fixed...
He had been trying to connect dots, howcome a lady flying alone ends up here in the middle of no where.
He snapped out of his thoughts and rang the Italian guy. This time call connected ... "Where the hell are u both. I have seen many assholes but you two beat the lot", Chris shouted loudly. " It not as easy as it seems, you know what we are upto and patience is the key", Italian guy was as composed as ever.
"We cant drag this forever,get the job done", Chris was bossy during that moment.
"We have taken the code and extracted Romero's finger prints just finding a way to enter the room again." Italian guy was elaborative.
"Where is Martin, he has to win the second pot as planned, he cant loose it", Chris enquired in a rude way.
"He is in the middle of the game we will get coordinates soon", just a little more time ..
"I am counting on you both and I dont  want to end this all up in dust, if we didnt get the coordinates today, we planned this all for nothing", Chris had visible worry on his face...
"Dont worry no matter what we will get the coordinates even if our lives get in danger, we are trusted buddies and we will pull this off together as before", Italian guy was considerate about the situation.
"I have another news for you guys, end this all and move your selves from that place as soon as possible",Chris ended the call with Italian guy left to decode about the news...

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