Dead or Alive

30 14 13

"My myseries yet merciless, gained by the pleathora of majesty crumbled on the consortium of dismay ".

"We need to check her suite, before media gets to know about anything", James was talking to the manager.
"Yes ofcourse! after what we watched it seems something is fishy" ,manager replied to James. "Stephanie, please get the surrogate key we need some investigation", manager coordinated with his staff.
"Is she alright ? I hope she is!" Hannah looked more tense, answering her own questions..
"Lets find out before making any apprehension", James replied to Hannah's untimely questions.

Its was an hour before dawn and this all drama had created a turmoil. What  was about to get revealed no one knew.

They all entered the suite by using surrogate key on the door which seemed pandora at that moment.
They entered the suite only to know that there was no one inside. Everything was in perfect shape as it had never been touched, Alisa's heels were placed beside the bed where she had removed them. Nothing was disheavelled.
"I dont see any sign of struggle", James said after an interval of silence in the room. "What can it be then," manager asked.
"I have been incharge of her security  for six years now. I have not seen her breaking rules, it cant be said what happened here ".
"Then what can be done", Hannah intruppted. "Shall we call the cops", unstoppable she was in her approach, so concerned,so passionate..
"No,not yet", James forbade her. "Any any unplanned move could be harmful for Alisa if she has been abducted", he added further.
"But isnt it clear that only one person left the room and she was a girl, how can it be anyone but Alisa? "
"Tell me"
"May be she needed some normal time without any protocol", Hannah kept adding to her assumptions.
"There is a way to end many questions, give me five minutes." James exited Alisa's room after a mild debate.
Hannah approached the window pane and looked down, it was serene and silent outside in the last hour of the night.
"No one can get down from here, there is no way." She stood on a small balcony which had been designed to add further glamour to the suite."
"We will definitely get a clue of this, it was just one camera. We can track all the movement by seeing through all the cameras", Manager added his comments.
Hannah and manager were busy in their  investigative conversation when James came in with a breifcase. He placed it on the table and upon opening it contained a gps tracking device. He switched it on and navigated to the GPS main screen.
"We need to, first of all track her down and her mobile phone can get us he location, if its still with her!" James dispersed information for all the people in the room.
"How can you locate her, her phone is switched off", Hannah asked in an incredulous manner.
"Well GPS chip has nothing to do with the cell phone on or off. It locates the device even if its switched off." James typed some keys on the device while replying her.
All of them had swamped the GPS interface and as the device beeped while locating. It focused just 30 meters away from the room.
It caught James attention, "This can't be happening," he muttered
"What is it James?" Hannah asked politely.
"Let me retry I guess its giving wrong direction, " he added and re-navigated.
There was no difference it showed location just 30 meters away.
"Woah," he wondered and went towards the window with the device on his hands. It reduced the distance by another three meters.
"Ok we need to rush to the south side of the building, its pin pointing in that direction", James picked up his gun and apparatus.
He went outside in a jiffy and called other guys in security team immediately.
Hannah, manager, Staphenie kept up with James and flew to the scene where other security guys Joined them. James had the GPS device in his hands when they reached the south side.
"Signal is here just here but I dont see Alisa around", James caught everyone's attention. He walked towards the signal and searched in the bush just along side the green belt.
"There you go!" James had the phone in his hand with cracked screen and series of scratches on every side... "Its Alisa's phone, What is the crux of it all", James contemplated on the phone.
"Guys we have to start looking for her in the city if we dont get any clue in the Hotel, Hannah you try to keep media distracted" "Lets begin search of our lost pride", he added, while loading his gun with every one looking at him,startled....

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