Chapter 1: The Unseen Colors

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Tyron made his weekly visit to the House for Homeless Children, where he spent time with Edith, a 16-year-old girl with temporary blindness. Despite her condition, Edith navigated the world around her with remarkable independence. To Tyron, she was more than special.

As they strolled through the garden, Edith's face, etched with curiosity and a gentle smile, posed a challenging question. "How would you describe the color of a rainbow to someone who's blind?" Tyron chuckled, not expecting such a philosophical query. When he asked if she was serious, Edith nodded earnestly, explaining that she had seen colors before losing her sight temporarily.

They settled on a bench surrounded by vibrant flowers, the air filled with distant laughter and the songs of birds. "How's your sleep been? Have you had any dreams?" Tyron inquired, concerned.

Edith hesitated. "Yes, but they've been unsettling. I dreamt of five people lying on the ground, their wrists glowing..."

Tyron's gaze darted to his own wrist, marked with the circular tattoo of a Peculiar Senser.

"...and there was someone sitting on a throne, shrouded in darkness. I couldn't see their face..." Edith's voice trembled as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"What happened next in the dream?" Tyron pressed gently.

Edith stood abruptly, apologizing as she rushed back toward the house. Tyron followed, calling after her. He caught up just as the house matron, Ms. Peterson, appeared.

"Edith, you know we're connected to those people in your dream," Tyron asserted, grasping her hand. "We both bear the mark; we are destined to revive Vagos. You know this."

Edith pulled away, her voice strained. "Yes, I know. But there's something else, something terrible I saw that I can't share yet." With that, she disappeared inside.

Ms. Peterson approached Tyron. "Please, leave for now. Come back another time."

"I will, but please, look after her," Tyron pleaded before mounting his bike and heading home, Edith's cryptic dream weighing on his mind.

As Tyron navigated the darkening roads, lost in thought about their linked fates, a sudden sight snapped him to alertness-a car had crashed into a tree ahead. He dismounted and rushed to the scene. The tree lay heavy across the smashed vehicle. Peering inside, he spotted a woman, barely conscious, whispering for help before slipping into unconsciousness.

The shock hit him like a wave-the woman was unmistakably the spitting image of a figure from Edith's dream, the one shrouded in darkness. As he reached to help her, a sudden, blinding flash of lightning illuminated the sky, casting an eerie glow over the scene. Tyron's heart raced as he realized the connections were deeper and more dangerous than he had ever imagined.

Back at his house, the night was restless. Thunder rumbled ominously outside as a nightmare gripped Tyron's visitor, Felani, who had just arrived that afternoon.

"Felani! Felani!" a woman's voice cried out in her dream, filled with desperation and fear. A sudden explosion ended everything in darkness.

Felani woke with a start, disoriented and sweating. She wasn't in her own room. Panic rising, she stumbled to the living room, then to the kitchen, where she froze.

There, chopping vegetables shirtless and unaware of her terror, was a man.

"Oh... H-h-hi Felani. Are you hungry? I'm still cooking..."

But before he could finish, Felani bolted out the door, her expression one of sheer horror. Tyron, hearing the commotion, chased after her into the stormy night, calling, "Wait! Wait!"

The night air crackled with electricity, both literal and metaphorical, as mysteries deepened and dangers loomed ever closer.

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