»E i g h t e e n«

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H.E.R📍: Is water wet?

Kooks⚠️: No.

H.E.R📍: Yes the hell it is.

Kooks⚠️: How??

H.E.R📍:  When something comes out of the water, and you feel moisture on it, IT IS WET. For example, if you are in your bathroom, about to get in the shower, and you check the water temperature by placing your arm in, your arm becomes wet.

Kooks⚠️: I disagree. Wet is what you would use to describe the feeling of water, not exactly what it is. Things become wet after it’s been “touched” by water not while it is being “touched”.

H.E.R📍: STFU you sound stupid!

P.S don't start a war over this bullshit😂😂 its not worth it.

Golden Maknae| j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now