Part 3

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After a month of not touching me in any way shape or form, Father sat me down and said

“Spielen das Cello;” his in German, his accent was normally noticeable, but using his language at me showed me he had slight respect for me. I took the Cello out of his case for the very first time since Joshua gave it to me.

As I rest him against me, for a split moment of joy overwhelmed me. I could feel the essence of Joshua as soon I picked up the bow. I felt guided towards the notes; instinctively I know how to play.

Father pulled the Cello off me.

“You’re finished!” His tone was angry, and hard to understand. I carefully lowered the Cello into his home with great care, this only irritated Father further. He knew I belonged to the Cello and with Joshua and not with him and his family.

Over the next few weeks, I became very sick... I already knew why...

Eventually Mother took me to Doctor as if she did not know what was already wrong from all the expulsion of my stomach content every few moments.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2012 ⏰

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