How Could You...

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(Dinah's POV)
"Masi...what are you doing here" I said in shock. "Oh Dinah you didn't know...I'm the reason you're here right now" he said and then I felt two people grab me and take me to a empty room. When I opened my eyes I saw mani sitting in front of me with bruises on her face and blood on her shirt. I grew mad and tried to move but as soon as I did I felt a gun on the side of my neck so I stopped. "Dinah you were always the violent type" Masi said walking around me. "Masi let me and Normani go NOW" I said getting even more angry. Masi went up to mani and pulled her by her hair and put the gun right on her face and said "You mean her...the girl you got pregnant and is having a child with". I started moving in my chair trying to get out but two people with guns walked over to me. "MASI DON'T TOUCH HER SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING" I said yelling at him. "Ok I won't hurt her will" he said untieing me and pulling me up. He gave me a gun and then someone injected something into my neck a couple minutes later I didn't feel...normal. I looked at Mani and pointed the gun at her and as I was about to pull the trigger images of her and me flashed through my mind at a rapid speed. I put the gun down and shot Masi and the people in the room before dropping to the ground and everything going dark.
(4 hours later)
I woke up in my bed next to a sleeping mani cuddled into my neck snoring. "Mani...mani wake up" I said shaking her lightly. "What...what is it Dinah" she said closing her eyes again. "Mani what happened" I said completely lost as to what the hell happened earlier. Mani looked up at me and sighed then sat up and kisses me before taking my hands and explaining what happened about 4 hours ago. When mani stopped talking I fell back and cried about how I almost killed her because of my stupid cousin. Mani kisses me and told me that I don't need to cry and everything is ok now that I'm home. I cuddles into mani and closed my eyes while sniffling. Lauren and Ally knocked on the door lightly trying not to scare us. "Dinah are you ok" ally said concerned about me. "Yes I'm ok ally" I said muffled since I was still in Mani's neck. "Well if you need anything let us know" lauren said with a smile before closing the door. "Mani can we go back to sleep" I said a little sad still. "Sure" she said before kissing my cheek and cutting the light off. I cuddled back in to her and went to sleep.
Sooooo I know you guys have probably been wondering where the hell I've is really kicking my ass like damn but at least I passed first quarter with a 3.838 GPA. Anyways I thought I would put up this short little update that I should've been published but whatever. I love you guys and also check my other book out cause I'm asking a question that I need opinions on-love Lea ❤

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