Save Me...Please

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(Dinah's POV)
"Dinah I need you..." was the last thing I heard before the phone disconnected. I jumped up and threw on some clothes and ran into the living room. Ally and Lauren looked at me with worried looks on there faces. "DJ what's wrong" Lauren said standing up and facing me. "Zendaya beat up Mani so I have to go save her" I said in a very harsh tone. Lauren nodded at me then grabbed my shoulder before saying "just please be careful". I looked at her and gave her a tight hug and also Ally a hug before running out the door to Normani's place I had too hurry before Zendaya hurt her anymore or worst. I ran up the stairs too Mani's apartment and I bust thru the door. I heard water running upstairs and I knew it had to be Zendaya but first I needed to find Mani. I heard banging on a closet door I went up to it and unlocked it and there was Mani with tears coming out her eyes and a big bruise on her face. I grew so angry and Zendaya was about to pay for what she did to my baby. Mani pulled me into a hug I kissed her cheek and rubbed her back. All of a sudden I heard someone behind us and it was Lauren and Ally standing there. "Mani go with them I need to take care of Zendaya" I said giving her one last kiss. She nodded and went in there arms I walked upstairs and saw the bathroom door open with Zendaya sitting on the tub. I grabbed the near by vase on the table next to me and snuck up on her. I hit her in the back of her head and dropped the vase. I grabbed her and put her head under the water for a little bit then I pulled her back up and punched her in the face then putting her back under. "YOU HAVE SOME FUCKING NERVE TO COME OVER HERE AND HIT MY BABY ZENDAYA" I said yelling at her. I pulled her out the water and threw her on the floor then I grabbed her and punched her about six times in the face then I grabbed her and put her back in the water. "ZENDAYA I TOLD YOU IF YOU EVER MESS WITH ME OR SOMEONE I LOVE YOU WILL FUCKING PAY AND TODAY IS YOUR LUCKY DAY YOU BITCH" I said then I pulled her up and hit her head on the sink causing her to black out on the floor. I stood up and dragged her downstairs to where I was greeted with Mani, Ally, and Lauren standing there with shocked faces. I looked down and saw that I was covered in blood and water was all over me and also my knuckle was bleeding. Zendaya woke up and pushed me down which caused me to kick her in the face. "ZENDAYA YOU BETTER BE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE SO DON'T FUCKING TEST ME" I said with anger fuming off of me. Mani touched my shoulder and I turned around and I was met with a face I thought I would never see. She was scared of me she was scared that I might hurt her it broke me too see that. I tried too touch her but she pulled away. "Mani I would never hurt you I swear babe" I said in a sad voice. She fell to the floor and cried I was so heart broken what have I done I tried to protect her but now she thinks I'm a monster or something. Ally pulls Mani into a hug and says "Dinah its best that you go Mani will talk to you when she is ready". I felt a tear run down my face but I nodded and walked out. I was so angry at myself so I went to the bar and got drunk I didn't know what to do with myself. When I got home it was early morning and Lauren was sleep I went to my room and watched TV and ate some cereal. I finally fell asleep but I kept thinking about wheat happened and how Mani thinks I'm a monster or something.
(Monday morning)
Lauren woke up and told me too get ready so we could go get some breakfast and head to class. I got dressed and we walked to the café down the street. When we walked in we ordered some food and coffee and sat down next thing I know Normani walks in with some new girl that I've never seen before. The girl kissed her cheek with caused Mani to giggle I was so mad and sad that I got up and left and went to the bar. I stayed there all say until it was night time I was so drunk but I didn't care how could Mani do this to me I loved her but she left me for someone else and didn't even talk to me about what happened. When I arrived home Lauren was sitting on the couch studying I walked over to her and sat down. "DJ where were you today Mani was worried about you" she said putting down the book. "I was at the bar all day and besides Mani was with some girl today so I guess she moved on pretty quickly" I said getting up and going to my room I closed the door and took a shower before hopping in bed and going to sleep for the night.
Hope you guys enjoy that chapter also don't worry norminah will get back together and this chapter was a little bit longer than last and I hope I can keep making them this long but please bare with me- love Lea ❤

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