School Day

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(Dinah's POV)
Uhh... Monday I hate Mondays with a passion and of course Lauren woke me up an hour earlier than I had to be. I swear she acts like a mom but at least she made breakfast. Every morning before class we walk down to the cafe down the street and grab a cup of coffee before class. Its so I don't fall asleep during the lecture halls. Since Lauren woke me up early me and her where the first one's in class. I decided to take a little nap since class didn't start in about 20 minutes but of course Lauren didn't want me to so she pulled my hood off and poked me multiple times to annoy the hell out of me. I looked at her and said " really Lauren class doesn't start until 20 minutes from now". The green eyed girl said " I know but I need someone to talk too cause I'm bored as fuck right now". I just nodded and motioned my hand so she could continue. We talked for about 15 minutes and more and more people had arrived to take there seats. Me and Lauren always sat close to the top be also close to the bottom so we where in the middle. After awhile are dean walked in and told us about our new teacher Ms.Hamilton. She sounded like some old lady with cats but I'm not going to judge. Then all of a sudden this chocolate women with short dark hair and a pencil skirt that hugged her curves walked in and wrote her name on the board. My breath hitched a little when I saw her. She was so fucking beautiful and she is so much better than are old teacher was. Lauren noticed I was staring and tap me and said " she is so fine. I might have to tap that ass". I glared at her and said " in your dreams. She will be mine cause I'm not letting that get away". Lauren looked and said ok before looking down at her phone. I looked down at Ms.Hamilton and we made eye contact which made her blush a little and turn and look the other way. This was going to be a good school day.
(Normani's POV)
I'm so excited to be starting my new job! Me and Ally talked until like 11 o'clock about it since I had to go to sleep. I woke up an hour early and made breakfast and picked my outfit it literally took me 30 minutes to pick and outfit. Once I was ready I did my hair and makeup fairly quickly since I cut my hair shorter and I'm wearing light makeup. I left 30 minutes before the class started. On the way there I got lost cause I didn't know what building it was so I asked a student who kindly told me "building 2, room 279". I said thank you and gave her a warm smile before walking to the room. On the way the dean stopped me and said " Ms.Hamilton I'm glad you can be here. Your class is just now  rolling in so you are on time. Welcome to California University. Oh by the way I'm dean Campbell so if you need anything let me know". He smiled at me and I did the same and said "thank sir. I really need that to calm my nerves". I was so nervous to meet my class but also ready. He said ready. I looked up and nodded. He told the class that I was here and told me to write my name on the board. I walked up to the board and wrote my name and the date before turning around and locking eyes with the blonde headed girl with brown eyes and muscles. I gasped to my self and looked at something else. She was beautiful and gorgeous and pretty. I had to know her name my life depended on it ok not really but you understand what I mean. The dean said " Ms.Hamilton are you ok". I looked at him and nodded. He looked at me and said " ok lesson plan is on your desk so when your ready u can get started" I said " ok thank you dean Campbell". He walked away and I turned toward the students and introduced myself and told them some stuff about me. I then said " today can be a free period since I'm new and I don't know what I have to teach so you guys can listen to music and talk for today. Is that ok?". Everyone said yes and I sat down and looked at the papers on my desk and all of a sudden I heard someone say "excuse me Ms.Hamilton". I looked up to see that same blonde headed girl with brown eyes looking at me I said "yes do you need anything". See said " actually I do" I said " what do you need". she said " I need your number so I take you out some times". I smirked and said " first how old are you and second I don't know if I can give you that. You have to earn it". She smirked and said " I'm 20 and I'll do anything you want me to do Ms.Hamilton". I could tell she wasn't playing and I wanted to give her my number but she had to earn it.

THE NEW TEACHER (NORMINAH g!p)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora