Chapter Fourteen: The Language of Love

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The whole car ride was silent as me and Aiden tried not to look at each other.

Why does he hate me so much? And why does Miles like me so much? And why are Cole and Garret weird? And why did they kidnap me? And why don't I have a six pack? I sure work out a lot! It isn't fair!


I shook off my annoyance and silently praised the lord when we finally pulled into the parking lot in front of a fancy building.

Before the car even stopped, I had thrown the door open and almost leaped out of the car, but I ended up tripping and falling on my shoulder.

Better than my face I guess.

"Ow!" I complained, laying on the concrete.

Aiden laughed and stepped over me. "Haha. Sucks."

"Aiden," Adeline scolded, her hands on her hips.

He sighed dramatically and offered his hand.

I took it, and then when I was halfway up, he let go and I fell back down again.

"Hey!" I cried indignantly.

He shrugged innocently. "Whoops. My hand slipped."

I swiftly kicked his shin and he yelped and grabbed it.

"Whoops," I glared. "So did my foot."

He glared at me and Miles stopped to help me up. I waved his arm away and stood on my own.

Adeline and Cole walked arm-in-arm to the restaurant, while I trailed behind them, and the rest followed.

When we reached the Host, I tried to make my eyes convey that I was being held hostage, but I probably just looked really insane and after that he avoided eye contact with me.

The interior of the French place was rustic and wooden and small, with round tables that had a white tablecloth and flowers.

We were herded to one of the larger tables, and I sat down with Aiden on my left and Cate on my right.

As soon as the Waiter left, Cate leaned over and whispered, "Man that guy was Ug-ly."

I couldn't help it- I burst out laughing.

Aiden eyed me weirdly as my body convulsed with spasms, and I couldn't stop.

It was like the past events all crashed over me at once, and my hysterical laughing became choked sobs without any tears.

Cate looked at me, and not so subtly scooted away.

I leaned over and closed my eyes, catching my breath and trying to calm myself. I was fine. I was fine.

'Yeah right' My mind said.

'Do you ever shut up?' I asked it.

'No. But neither do you.'

'Good point.'

After that mind conversation, I felt a little better.

"Sorry," I murmured.

Cate gave me a sympathetic smile. "It's ok, we all loose it sometimes."

I smiled slightly at her.

Then a voice sounded behind me. "May I serve you?"

I jumped out of my seat, "AHHHH!"

I spun around, and almost karate kicked them, but then I noticed that the guy was just a poor server who looked as white as a ghost.

I stopped mid-kick and put my leg down.

"Sorry, my b," I apologized, sitting back down.

I blame him. What kind of guy just pops up behind you and asks to serve you?!

He gave a strangled noise, and then slowly placed down the menus, and wordlessly backed away.

Aiden snickered, "I bet that's how all your dates go."

I smacked the back of his head as he went to take a slip of his water, spilling it on his face.

As he spluttered angrily, I smiled to myself and read the menu.

Aw man, this always happens.

I want everything!

You know what? They're paying.

And I did say that I would make them pay for kidnapping me.

"What are you getting?" Cate asked me, scanning her own menu.

"Probably a punch in the face after this," I muttered. Aiden would not be happy. But to be honest, right now that's all I have to look forward to.

She raised a confused eyebrow, and I clarified, "A lot."

"Oh," She said, giving me a small smile.

The waiter returned, and as we gave our orders, I discovered that you can learn a lot about a person by what they eat.

"May I have a House Salad?" Adeline asked politely.

"I want a steak," Cole decided.

The waiter looked confused, "What cut, sir?"

"I just want a steak!" He exclaimed in annoyance.

The waiter broke into a sweat, scribbling furiously in his notepad.

"May I have an order of your Crêpe Platter, please?" Garret asked.

"No entree?" The waiter asked, and Garret shook his head.

"Can I get your Lamb with a side of potatoes?" Miles ordered.

"I want three orders of your French fries," Cate said.

The waiter gulped nervously. "Uh, we don't carry those."

But... this was a French restaurant.

She slowly looked up at him, murder in her eyes, and said lowly, "Then you'd better find some. And fast."

He nodded, more sweat dripping. Then he turned to me.

I readied myself for the order.

"Can I have your Prime Rib, extra prime, extra rib, your Braised Quail, Pork Brine Platter, Pasta ali oli, and your Beef Stew Pasta with extra beef, extra stew... and what the heck- extra pasta!"

The waiter looked like he wanted to die.

"Is that all?" He choked out.

"Not quite," I said. "I want a ham."

"A ham?" He asked.

"Yeah. And that's all. Thanks." I decided.

He'd gone from a trickle of sweat to a waterfall.

"And you sir?" He asked Aiden in fear, who had been staring at me with the coldest, hardest look that I'd been ignoring until now.

"A cup of ice," He forced out through his teeth.

The waiter nodded, scribbling again, and ten practically running from our table.

I gulped nervously. "What's the ice for?"

He stared at me without a trace of compassion. "Your bruises."


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