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My face was crusty with tears. Laying on the ground. Not the most pleasant feeling. Wiping my eyes and face I stood up and looked at the clock. The bright red lines that made up the numbers blinded me shortly but my eyes quickly adjusted. It read 8 o'clock in the morning. I slept on the floor.

A snore broke the deathly silence. I had completely forgotten that I wasn't alone. Everything that happened the night before came rushing back. Every memory. Every cell in my body shuddering with the thought of what Luke thought of me.

I stood up and my vision blurred shortly. As soon as it settled on the door I rushed towards it. Trying desperately to be quiet I opened the door and cringed when it creaked.

A noise coming from the bed made me swing around. Luke was sitting up staring a hole right through me. Tears sprung into my eyes at the thought of what he did last night. He probably couldn't even remember last night.

I scoffed as he looked at me and turned on my heel. I slammed the door but still heard him yelling for me.

Running down to the kitchen I rammed into Connor. Damn girl why are you running? Is someone after you? In a blink of an eye Connor turned from fun and joyful to ready to fight.

Nothing is wrong. I am just really really hunger. I lie. He gives me a weird look but doesn't say anything.

I rummage through the freezer and find a pizza that I throw in the oven. Pizza for breakfast is like the best thing ever (A/N it's true bitch). I get out a tall glass and walk to the huge fridge for some juice. Once I calm my thirst my sore body needs a pain killer. As I am taking two Aspirins I decide to go for a run.

I take off my clothes once I get outside and put then on a log far enough in the woods that no one would see them. I change into my wolf and start running. It hurts at first but as soon as I get used to the soreness and the dull pain it really is enjoyable to run and jump and be free.

To not be judged. I mean it's not like the trees will judge me and i don't think the flowers will either. I run and run until I make it to a small but clear lake.

I jump in and just hold my breath for a second. I take in the calming and peaceful silence and wish my life was as easy as the fishes here. The water is cool but not cold. Just right.

Shaking the water out of my fur I take in the real world again. Not just the one I wish I lived in where everything is in my control and I don't have to trust anyone or rely on anyone. A world where titles don't matter and everyone is equal. A world where there aren't any mates. Where I could choose to do anything, to have anyone.

Reality hits me like a truck, well more like a tree seeing as I ran into one. I was so deep in thought that I couldn't feel my legs moving. I didn't even realize I was running. Let alone running into trees.

I pick up the clothes, change and run into the kitchen and remember the pizza. Thankfully someone took it out and put it in the fridge. Once I see it in there I let put a sigh of relief and joy. But my joy was short lived.

Luke strolls into the kitchen and jolts to a stop when he notices me. I turn around and storm out of the room but he grabs my arm, stopping me in my trail.

LET ME GO. I yell at him. He is startled by my ton. His face tells me he has no idea what happened last night. Luke opens his mouth but I am faster.

I don't care what you think you said or what you remember and what you don't. I don't care whether you recall anything at all. But I think you should know that you hurt me physically and emotionally and even though this isn't the first time. It will be the last. I tell him. Lukes face goes from confusion to shock. His mouth opens again but no sound comes out. My mind tells me I should at least here him out but my pride and heart say otherwise.

He starts saying something but I interrupt him.

I just thought you should now that me losing my virginity was not a choice. I was robbed. The choice every girl and boy should have was taken from me by a stranger who didn't know my name. Just consider all of the options before throwing a girl off of you bed next time.

As if he suddenly remembered everything his expression changed again. This time it was pity and self loathing. A small part of me felt sorry for him. I mean he was drunk out of his mind at one point that evening but had sobered up a bit when I was with him.

The only thing he could seem to muster was a simple I'm so sorry. Which was kind of pathetic. I was about to turn away when I saw a tear roll down his face.

Hey don't cry. Just don't be so quick to judge. I say softly. But then I turn on my heel and strut to my room and lock myself in.

As I predicted the sound of Lukes fists echoes through my room. Turning on the shower to drown it out I strip down and hop in. The music I turned on is pounding in my head as I start singing along, hoping to forget...

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