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I wake up to someone pounding on my locked bedroom door. I let out a throat groan and roll over.

Bad idea. I land on the floor and shout out in pain.

Ashley? What happened? Let me in, please! Are you okay? Open the goddamn door! The voice calls through the door. Ughhh.... really?

After shouting that I'm coming, I stand up and make my way to the door, grumbling about how early it is. In case your wondering, its 6am. Like who gets up this early!

I take my sweet time unlocking the door. The second it's unlocked the door bursts open, hitting me in the face. I scream out in surprise more than pain.

Who the fuck do you think you are? It's 6 fucking am and you pound the living hell out of MY bedroom door and them you break my fucking nose?! Are you shitting me! I yell at Kingston. Fury is radiating off of me. I'm not mad anymore. I'm fucking pissed.

He shrinks back and guilt is screaming out of his eyes. I push past him aggressively and he stumbles back, hitting the wall next to the door that caused this whole scene.

I stalk past Kingston, making my way to the pack doctor. He rushes after me calling my name. I don't turn around but he doesn't give up. When I feel his hand land on my shoulder I whip around.

Haven't you done enough? You're supposed to me my mate. Not my abuser. Honey, come back when you get your goddamn life figured out. Cuz sweetheart, I'm not putting up with your shit anymore. That being said I walk back to my room and rummage through my suitcase. I find a black Nike duffel bag in my closet and start packing the basics.

Underwear. Bras. Shirts. Pants. Shorts. Socks. Toothbrush. Toothpaste. Deodorant. Stuff like that.
Lastly I wrote a note to Kingston.

Dear Kingston.
I know you won't like this, but I ran.
Far away from you and your pack. Please don't try to find me. I'll come back when I when I want to.
Don't take it out on Connor or anyone else.
Most importantly don't take it out on yourself.
Please keep eating, drinking and sleeping.
Don't cut off on anything important.
I promise I'll be back.

I leave the note in the bed and grab the duffel bag. After I open the window I jump. It's only the 3rd floor. I shift while I'm in the air so I don't crush all of my bones when I land.

then I run

I run for two days, stopping for short naps, food or to drink something.

Connor hasn't stopped trying to call me or mind link me. Kingston tried a lot. But he stopped about 7 hours ago.

After another 3 hours I shift back into my human form and stop in a village. There is a big board on the the first building I see.

It's the police station and and the board had all of the wanted people on it.

I'm on it. I quickly rip the paper off and turn on my heel.

Stop right there Missy! A strong voice calls. I whip around and glare at the person who yelled at me.

He struts up to me in his navy blue uniform and shows me his badge with a smug look on his face.

You're under arrest. You're Ashley Chase correct? He states.

I nod and swing my leg at him. He grabs it but jokes on him. I yank my leg down, pulling him with me. A couple of my punches later, he's lying unconscious on the ground. I drag him to the font door of the police station.

Risky, I know.

Then I run. Again.


I've been running for about a month. I know, it's been awhile since I've seen Luke and Connor. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss them.

I'm going back tomorrow. I've had enough time to cool off and hopefully Kingston has had enough time to pull his shit together.

Everyone is looking for me. In every village, town or city I've been in there's posters with my fave on them.

I finish eating my food from McDonald's. Yes I have sunglasses and a big sun hat on.

I look at my phone's map and start running in the direction it says to.

I was actually pretty close to my Royal Pack. Only about 5 hours. As soon as I step foot in the pack house I sprint into the kitchen.

I make myself a sandwich and wait for someone to notice that I'm back. I wait for about 10 minutes after making my sandwich till I hear a familiar voice.

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