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My whole body ripples as I shift. I land on the ground in my new form.

I sprint in no particular direction. Wanting to get away from any sort of walls. Anything that will keep me hostage. I just want to get away.

I hear two pairs of paws behind me and I know its Connor and Luke. Fuck. Those bastards followed me here.

They just can't leave me alone. They just don't trust me anymore, I don't think they ever did but they definitely don't anymore. I'm not used to someone following me around like they do but I'll guess I'll have to get used to it now.

Since I've been here, even though it's only been a couple weeks, my whole life has done a couple 360. I've only been away from Madison for maybe six months but it seems like forever. I really miss her. I really miss everything about the way stuff used to be be.

Don't get me wrong, I love the way everything is now as well but its hard to just go from one lifestyle to the next in less then 12 hours.

Guys... You don't need to follow me everywhere. I groan at the boys.

I don't wanna lose you again. Luke emphasizes.

I know. And I won't do it again. I promise. But you don't need to have a watch on my heels. You also don't need to follow me around. I drag.

Luke comes up to me and hugs me. I know baby. But I get nervous and I wanna be around you. I lose my temper. I want- no I need to be around you. He pouts as he nuzzles into my neck, an action that calms his wolf down. I can feel his breathe on my neck and I push him off.

Come on big boy. I'm hungry again. I laugh. I hear Connor mumbling something about me being a fat ass.

I whip around and sass him. Excuse me bitch but who tumbled down the stairs this morning to get pancakes? You did. Who wrested Luke to get the bacon? You did bitch. I made breakfast for you. Not me. I haven't eaten anything since last night. I smirk and shift into my animal form.

When I get to the house I shift back and walk into the grand kitchen. Pop tarts. That's what I want right now. No, that's what I need right now.

I rummage through the cupboards like a man woman, looking for the delicious food to settle my cravings. Once I find them I immediately rip the package open and throw the silvery plastic material away.

I moan as the pop tart comes in contact with my waiting taste buds. Luke growls and I shoot him a strange look.

Only I should be able to exterminate those sounds from you. He grumbles, more to himself than to me. I crack up laughing. Like I literally fell off the stool I was sitting on pre sex joke.

It looks like the big bad alpha is jealous of a pop tart. Connor giggles. Yes the big bad beta fucking giggles. This is the most fucked up conversation I've ever heard. These boys and I, we are one big messed up group of little shits.

30 minutes later and I'm still on the ground and Connor has left. Luke is staring at me and I'm looking at the ceiling. I sigh and Luke gives me a questioning look.

I don't know. It's just crazy. Like just 6 months ago I hated your guts. I was just me. The little omega and now I'm fucking Luna. Like bitch! So many would kill to be in this position that I never wanted to be in. Yet out of all the she wolfs you could have been mated to, you got stuck with me. Some fucked up omega with mommy and daddy issues. Some little worthless shit. How can you care about me? You don't have to. You can just reject me like everyone else in my life has. No biggie. Oh and don't worry about my feelings. No one else has. I say sadly. Luke growls.

Mine! You are fucking mine and I don't give a flying fuck about how many bitches want your place. You are my mate and I wouldn't want it any other way. If anyone gives you shit about your previous rank I will personally kill them. You are my mate and my Luna. I have waited years for you to show up and now that you're here I'm not letting you go. If I have to step down from alpha to be with you I don't give a shit. I want to be with you. I saved myself for you. You are mine! All mine!  He started off in a normal tone but by the end he was shaking in rage and his wolf was on the surface.

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