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Ashley Chase.

Even years later if anyone in my pack heard my name they would scream and lock their doors and windows. All hell would break loose, parents hiding their kids, maybe ashamed that what I am could be a product of the pack. I was destined to be on the outside, I was an omega. 

Not just any omega though. Everyone knew who I was and what made me the way I am, there was a certain amount of guilt that ran through this pack. I wasn't your normal hideaway omega. I was the omega.

The omega. I know,I know. It seems weird, how can you be the omega, omegas are quiet, fragile nobodies either on the outskirts of a pack or serving the alpha normally in the pack house. The alphas are the feared one. Not the omegas. The betas and gammas also hold a fair amount of power and respect but  the system is rigged in a way that power stays with power and everyone under those three ranks stays there, powerless till the bitter end.

I decided I had enough. Well the makes me sound all righteous and shit. I adapted to my situation and my pack just happened to raise a monster; that is where all the guilt comes from. They knew what was happening and didn't do a damn thing about it. 

I brought the word dangerous to a whole new level. Being dangerous or holding any respect if you weren't an alpha, beta or gamma wasn't common. Unless you were a cocky bitch, then you might not be respected or have any power but you'd be known. But I became a story that was told without trying and seemingly without a happy ending. More guilt. 

I never knew my family and I constantly wonder how different everything would've been if I had know them. My parents run away from the pack they had belonged to when they realised they had gotten pregnant. The pack I am in now took them in and my mother gave birth to me in the safety of a stable pack and good hospital. Sounds pretty good if I'm not mistaken. Well instead of taking their new chance, pack and baby they up and left a couple moths after I was born. No note to anyone, no explanation. Just a happy three headed family one day and an orphan the next. 

Once the pack found me and realised they were gone with the wind I passed through the foster system, bouncing between orphanages and foster homes. Some were very nice, with lots of other kids really making an effort. But I never ended up staying in one for too long, it never really worked out as anyone hoped. They gave up when after the fifth home and just left me in an orphanage. It was a very rundown building understaffed and mainly toddlers and young children. I was not a priority and was able to just do my own thing. 

One day I was running through the woods and stumbled across a handful of guys all heading to a specific spot. Being curious I followed them and they ended up at a hideaway fighting cage in the middle of nowhere. I watched and was intrigued. Something about the animalism inside the cage and the civilness outside, the contrast, being able to completely let go just got me hooked. 

I started training whenever I found time, I wanted to participate in a fight, have the adrenaline of a win. I remember my first fight like it was yesterday. She was the same height as I was but a little heavier. Not much but enough you could tell. She kicked my ass merciless. When she came to apologise afterwards while shaking hands I remember telling her to can it, I would just be more motivated to win against her next time so she should watch her back. 

Through this fighting ring I slowly but surely got deeply entangled in I got a classification. They ranked you A through F, A being the best and F being the worst. 

They ranked me Class AA. That was a class given t few individuals, usually ones with a special something. I never asked why I got mine but I was sure as shit honoured. 

The pack knew about the ring to an extent, they knew about the classes and knew about mine. 

Everyone knew I was cold-blooded.
Everyone knew I was emotionless.
Everyone knew I had dark secrets.
Everyone knew not to get on my bad side.

I was a curse. A threat.

I was the most feared omega.

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