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Ever since I arrived here at Luke's house I haven't been happy. On the contrary I have been in constant pain. I really do wish I could just run away and never come back but I can not. Constantly knowing that pain is lurking behind every corner is not a healthy way to live. Shit, I wish that he was not my mate. That would be amazing, I would still be with Madeline and everything would be different and hopefully fine-ish. However Luke had to sweep me up from those stupid games and make my "not the best but quite fine" life hell.

Connor brought me back to reality when he knocked on the door of my bedroom. He said that Luke wanted to see me for some reason. His face was very concerned, signaling something was wrong. I knew I should not deny an Alphas direct order, as I have so many times. As slow as I possibly could I made my way to his office, whereupon Connor said he would be. I really did not want to have this talk with Luke, especially after the things he said to me that night.

I opened the door feeling almost faint and there he sat silently sobbing.

Oh shit. To be honest I had no idea what to think. Instinctively I quickened my pace to reach him and sat down next to him. I started rubbing his back hoping to cause some kind of reaction perhaps making him tell me what was wrong.
Luke looked up at me and my heart broke. Sure I hated him but he was my mate after all and I was forced to love him, ironic isn't it. I wanted to yell at him, slap him, curse at him and comfort him all at the same time. Even after the hatred and abuse I still couldn't really resist him if it really came down to it. He stared deep into my eyes and for some strange reason I started talking.
I went on about why I wasn't a virgin anymore, about the rape and how I was left laying in that alley. I had never told anyone that before. Tears streaming down his face, jaw clenched and fists turning white the handsome young man in front of me still penetrated my eyes with his stare. I was so into the story, trying to tell it right, that I didn't even realize that I was crying. His huge hand came up to my cheek, brushing a few tears away.
I am so sorry. Is all he said. I slapped him harshly. You're sorry! That's all you have to say. You judged me and pushed me on the floor! You didn't even attempt to understand or care what had happened and now all you can say is that you're sorry! Damm straight you're sorry. I yell at him. Standing up and open the door only to slam it once I walked through it. Why was I the one who got the shitty mate? What did I ever do wrong that I deserved this? How is this fair at all?

I ran down the hall to my room but the door was locked. I pushed and pulled and rattled the door but it wouldn't budge. Finally I got fed up and started walking to the kitchen, still wiping away tears. In the last couple of weeks I have tried to avoid Luke as much as I possibly could but it was hard, seeing as we live in the same building. This was another one of those times were I wish I didn't live with him. There the little devil sat crying over a bowl of cereal. I felt bad, I really did, but can you blame me for yelling at him!

Ash please, I really am sorry and I should have heard you out but I was just so disappointed. I know I can't make it up to you and I understand if you cannot forgive me but please, baby, give me a second change. I really don't deserve it but I cannot live without you... He pleaded. I didn't say anything. I walked over and hugged him. He tensed and then relaxed hugging me tighter than ever before. I didn't even notice when the first tear fell, but now we are both sobbing into each others arms, not wanting to let go. Because if we do then we will have to start a new Beginning.

The BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora