What the hell are you doing here?

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I took out my keys to unlock the front door, but it was already open, "fuck."

"What?" Anika asked, my best friend.

"The door," I said, pushing it open.

"Maybe you left it open on accident?" Anika proposed. I didn't answer her. I just put my keys back in my pocket and stepped inside. The lights were off and it was silent. I know I locked the door this morning. I never leave the house before double checking.

"Anika followed me in. "Stay here," I told her and carefully moved into the kitchen, and picking up a knife.

I moved into the living room, nothing.


I bolted up the stairs and into my room were the silhouette of a man stood, rummaging through my things.

"Hey!" I yelled, pointing my knife closer to him.

"Would you put the knife down? Jeez," he said, raising his hands slowly in defeat, I lowered the knife a tad and turned on the light.

The man smirked at me, "what the hell are you doing here, Will? You scared the shit out of me!" I said, throwing the knife onto the bed.

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Liz." Will said, my older brother.

"You couldn't call first? Or wait for me to get home?" I asked, slapping his chest and pushing my hair back.

"I got here three hours ago, I didn't want to wait outside, besides, if I hadn't broke in, I would've never been able to read your diary," he said, raising the thick, leather journal. I yanked it out of his hands.

"It's not a diary. It's a journal," I said hitting him with it and walking back downstairs.

"False alarm, Anika, it's just my stupid, older brother." I said, returning to where I told Anika to wait.

"I didn't know you had an older brother," Anika said as Will caught up with me.

"Hey, I'm Will. Official older brother of little Liz here," Will teased, waving at Anika.

"How come I've never seen you around?" Anika asked.

"I've been traveling." Will left when Dad died and left me alone in this house as mom died years ago.

"Yeah, and why are you back?" I asked.

"I have to talk to you, alone," Will said and I looked at Anika.

"I'll go home, bye Liz!" Anika said, I turned to Will waiting for his answer.

"The witch hunters are coming here, to Wright, Wyoming." Will said, looking around to make sure no one was listening.

"And? I can defend myself Will. Besides, you're a wizard, you're in just as much danger." I said.

"There's a reason they're called witch hunters not witch and wizard hunters."

"So that's why you're here? To protect me?" I scoffed, since when did he do things to protect me?

"Yeah, well, that and there's a ton of paranormal activity down here, I thought I'd check it out, I'm thinking it's connected to The Devil's Tower," Will gave in and I nearly laughed. Okay, I chuckled a bit.

"You clearly don't do your research, The Devil's Tower doesn't have anything paranormal or mythical or anything tied to it. The story is that some girls were being chased by a bear, prayed to the gods, and the gods lifted the rock and the beat slid down the rock. That's it. But I know what you're talking about, I noticed it too," I said, and moved back up to my room, ignoring the weird look Will was giving me.

"How do you know all that?" He asked as I picked up my journal and began flipping through it.

"Because you aren't the only one who's been hunting sense Dad died, I just stayed in Wyoming." I said, flipping through the pages of my journal.

Mom and Dad were a witch and a wizard who married and had a witch a wizard, aka Will and I. Mom and Dad were what we call hunters, they hunt and kill all the evil things out there. Demons, ghosts, werewolves, even an occasional dragon. Because they are real, all those myths and legends? The majority of them are the real deal. Mom and Dad taught us not only magic, but how to deal with all these things, although most of it is learning as you go, when they died, Will left and hunted around the country, I stayed in Wyoming due to stupid High School, but what he didn't know, is that I've been doing my own hunting.

"You clearly didn't read my "diary" as it actually has notes in it," I said, shoving the book into his hands.

"Well I'm sorry, it's all in French." Will said and shoved it back into my hands. I was born in Saint-Jean-Le-Thomas, Basse-Normandie, France. While Will was born in Holliday, Texas. People often have a hard time believing that we are siblings because aside from him having curly black hair (from dad) and I have straight blonde hair (from Mom) he has a Texan accent and I have a French one. The only thing we have in common is our blue eyes. That's it.

"There's a legend here that there is a death ship that appears from a thick mist in the Platte river, all the crew and the ship are covered in frost and t foreshadows a death, you're supposed to be able to see the corpse of the person on the deck." I explained, translating my French for him.

"Have you seen it?" Will asked, stupidly.

"No, platte river is over two hours from here. But that's my theory," I said, throwing the journal back onto the bed.

"We should be a team. Like Mom and Dad were," Will suggested.

"Are you inviting me to join you on your hunts?" I asked, smirking.

"Why not? We can call ourselves Will and the Idiot," Will said, envisioning it written out in front of him.

"And you ruined it," I said, rolling my eyes, "just help me do some more research."

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