He knew that's what Namjoon would do in many occasions when he feels like he has nothing better to do, so what better in taking his significant other to the beach where the waves would crash beneath their exposed feet and the wind had a more fresh air into it. Taehyung could remember the way Namjoon's pretty lips formed a warm grin towards the clear ocean then up towards the sky. He could pin point the exact moment when Namjoon's irises looked at the stars and they would start to shimmer the same exact way. It was a breathtaking site that knocked the wind out of him for a brief moment, he couldn't even stop the smile slowly creeping up his face when ever Namjoon looked away. The other was so beautiful during silent night where his voice was the only thing he could hear and he'll admit he wasn't complaining.

He laughed at himself at the moment when his heart was racing the same way it was right now, palms also sweaty and doubt completely sinking in. During that time he wondered when was the perfect time to even pull out the ring and kneel onto one leg before his lover. He tried so hard to say at least one word to come out of his voice but nothing. All he could let out was inaudible broken slurs that made no sense that Namjoon was starting to worry about his mental state.

Then it was as though his body reacted on its own and kneeled onto one leg, clearly reminiscing the way Namjoon was taken off guard, one leg stepping back while eyes were shaken up - glistening as they did so. When he pulled out the small velvet box, the other's expression quickly shifted into shock, completely in disbelief and told his mind it wasn't what he was probably thinking and that he shouldn't look into every little action. Yet, Namjoon's mental self internally shrieked when the small box's lid was lifted open slowly to reveal a diamond ring that Taehyung searched high and low for because every other ring wasn't as unique as the one he had then.

"Namjoon, I've been with you for so long... and I was telling myself every time that one day you'll leave me but you didn't. You're so good to me i thought it was all a dream but it was really real. You're the only person I have had my eyes set on forever and when you said yes to me you have no idea how unstable I was and desperate to put you first. I want to feel that same way again like that time...so will you. Marry. Me?"

Namjoon didn't say anything at the time and Taehyung thought he screwed up somehow, when his gaze shifted up at Namjoon however, something inside him haywires. His lover's eyes were more glossed then ever, because tears were bottled up in his eyes. Once his lids blinked for a second every single tear fell one by one leaving thin trails down his puffy cheeks. Taehyung's eyes drifted to Namjoon's quivering lips, then down towards his trembling hands. He panicked at the vulnerable site before him, how frail he was at the given moment and all he wanted to do was stand tall and embrace his lover tenderly. Though, the opposite occurred. The lid of the box snapped shut with the ring still tucked inside as Namjoon's body surged down towards Taehyung, snuggly letting his face get close to Taehyung's neck while his arms were wrapped around his shoulders tightly. He could near the way Namjoon's sobs muffled against his shoulder. Then time froze when the words of his lover cracked out in between heavy whimpers,

"I-I, Yes! Yes, y-yes, yes~"

Now look where he was now, practically trying to calm down his emotion meltdown and not break a sweat around his face and feel suffocating in his attire. He didn't want to have his fingers run through his styled hair that he had the urge to do or grip tightly onto the bow tie around his neck, it would wrinkle in his grasp if he did. As if he wanted to scream he couldn't because he jumped up with a yelp when the door swung open with the handle bashing against the wall,

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