Chapter Eleven - Discussing a Mutual Hatred

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I shuddered at his last sentence, hugging my body close. "Are they all like that?"

He thought for a moment. "Have you met one that isn't?"

I thought about Samuel. He didn't seem overly dangerous, but I was still scared of him and what he could do. He controlled me, yelled at me, followed me, insulted me, told me I was his, and alluded to the fact that if it were up to him, I wouldn't be human much longer. He never physically hurt me, but the threat was always there. 

Kade took my silence as an answer. "They're ruthless and savage animals, Samantha. They take what they want and they don't want humans. We managed to get rid of a lot of them, but they always make more."

I nodded. "So how did we start fighting against them?"

"That's a bit of a happier story," Kade smiled. "One that isn't even finished."

"No?" I questioned.

"Definitely not. We haven't won, yet."

I smiled at his faith and enthusiasm. Up until this point, I'd only thought about getting out of town so my family and I could be free. It never really went beyond that, even though I knew the war was raging and destroying other towns and countries. It's hard to think of what you can do to resist when you're already defeated. 

"In the beginning, after the initial formal attacks, people started banding together. I don't know all the details. No one really does unless you were there. But, leaders rose up. We found their weakness. We exploited it. Those groups slowly spread and we've now got a resistance almost everywhere. It's taken time, but as they used to say - Rome wasn't built in a day."

I mulled over his explanation. It was vague, but like he said, it was an ongoing story. "So what's their weakness, then?"

He snorted. "You don't know?"

My eyes narrowed. Of course, I didn't know. The only werewolf I'd ever been in direct contact with, up until two weeks ago, was James. He didn't exactly spell out how to kill him.

"No," I stated firmly. "I'm not exactly an expert in the supernatural."

"I'm not either, but I know how to kill a werewolf," he taunted. 

I let out an abrupt sigh, not sure whether or not to argue with him. You wouldn't think that he'd be as childlike as he was at his age, and it was throwing me off. He was several years older than me but acted the opposite. In the end, it was hard to be truly upset with his boyish demeanor. 

"I haven't had a lot of contact with them. My family's exiled. Well, my step-father is exiled. We kind of have to pay that price, too."

Kade nodded again, the movement bigger than necessary. "Well, I guess that's acceptable," he laughed. "They really only have two big weaknesses. Everything else kind of falls under the two main ones."

I waited in anticipation as he continued. Elaborate plans for attacks and poisons raced through my mind, trying to guess what exactly would work. It had to be complex and strong if it were to do any damage to their seemingly invincible bodies. 

"One is silver," he stated matter-of-factly. 

I scoffed. "Silver?"

"Yep," he popped the word. "I know what you're thinking, but it turns out the old wives tale is true. Anything silver will hurt them. We don't really know why, but we don't need to for it to be effective." 

I paused, bringing my knees up to my chest. It made sense. They got rid of money, took over all the companies, and controlled everything. It'd be easy for them to get rid of it. Or at least control whoever produced it. 

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