All this while, Arnav was trying to sneak glances at his wife discreetly – and trying very hard not to smile.

His wife was smoking hot when she was jealous – so when the opportunity presented itself how could he just let it go?

He could see from the corner of his eyes how she fumed when Lavanya wrapped her arms around his biceps and walked them to the conference room.

Khushi followed, feeling like breaking something badly.

When they got into the conference room, Lavanya turned to Khushi with a fake smile and said, "You should go to Pam and get the details from her, while I discuss the project with Arnav here."

Khushi could clearly see that this woman in front of her was trying to get rid of her so that she could spend time alone with Arnav.

"Actually, I think I'm okay to stay with my husband and discuss the details with you. The more the merrier right?" Khushi said, without smiling back.

Lavanya was taken aback hearing the word 'husband.' She clearly hadn't known that Arnav was married.

But then after a few seconds, she smirked. Married men were even more fun anyways.

Khushi just wanted to scratch that smirk off her face.

Soon they all got to work on the fake project. Arnav had his laptop open in front of him while the two girls were sitting either side of him, much to Khushi's dislike.

She didn't fail to notice that Lavanya purposely rubbed her shoulder against his shoulders at times. She let her hands 'accidentally' touch his – she was playing all sorts of tricks to seduce Arnav.

Although Arnav hadn't reacted to any of her advances positively, it hadn't missed Khushi's notice that he didn't ward them off either.

The last shred of her patience was lost when she saw Lavanya about to brush her breasts on his bicep.

Before Lavanya could touch him again, Khushi shot up from her seat, making both Arnav and Lavanya look up at her – Arnav in relief and Lavanya with surprise/shock.

"You bit**!" Khushi stormed up to Lavanya's side and pulled her up to a stand harshly. "How dare you try and seduce my husband?!"

"He is mine!" Lavanya spat back. That was it. Khushi grabbed hold of Lavanya's hair in an instant and pulled hard, making her screech.

Arnav almost felt sorry for Lavanya. Almost being the key word. Although Arnav had let the drama go on to make Khushi jealous, even he had started feeling very uncomfortable towards the end. Especially when Lavanya continued to advance towards him even after knowing he was married. If Khushi hadn't reacted in that second, then he certainly would have.

"You witch! How dare you touch my husband?!" Khushi continued to pull her hair and scratch her beautiful face with her sharp nails. "You bloody whore!" With one last pull, Khushi pushed her out of the conference room and closed the door on her face – literally. The force probably broke injured the girl's nose. "This is what you get for lusting after a married man!" Khushi shouted through the door.

Locking the door, she turned to Arnav almost predatorily. "And you..."

Arnav stepped back as she stepped forward, knowing that he was in trouble. Although he was a little apprehensive, he couldn't deny that he was enjoying this.

"That bit** was touching you and you were standing there like nothing was happening. You were enjoying it weren't you? You–!" Khushi took the telephone from the table and threw it right at his face.

My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arshi FF)  - Complete ✅Where stories live. Discover now