Division 1

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There, lying in the sun, she rested. The sky was beginning to change color, from sky blue to a lovely pink. There were clouds outlined with an orange lining close to where the sun was setting. You could see the shadows creeping up behind the objects that stood on the ground, refusing to give way to the light. The wind had gotten cooler and all the tiny creatures of the day had run back to their homes and nests. Everything was quiet.

She closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, nothing but her chest moved, up and down and back up. She listened carefully to the sound of distant birds and the soft fluxes of leaves and grass. No such sounds like those of people nor of cars or buses, nor school bells or horns did she hear. Nothing. She smiled. Her chapped pink lips spread across a bruised face that once was pale and soft. Dried blood stuck at her right cheek like red paint and her eyeliner under her bottom eyelids had smudged, making her face seem tired.

She slowly opened up her eyelids, revealing bright gray eyes and stared at the multicoloured sky. She was used to all the silence now. But for the past two weeks, she had been fighting her way through the city. And the only noises she had heard were groans and mumbles of creatures that were said to never exist. Creatures that had pulled at her feet and arms, in an attempt of devouring her whole. She could almost feel the blood gurgling in their mouths and dripping down their rotten faces onto her pale body.

She shivered and boosted herself up with her elbows. She listened again and still heard nothing. It was getting darker and the shadows had forced their way around the ground forming pictures and creating little stories of their own. Behind her, a building lit up like candles from different windows and doors. Even the stars were bright and were scattered across the sky like jewels. The night was such a beautiful thing. Just as the beautiful sun dominated the morning, the shining moon was there at night, assuring that there truly was light in all the darkness.

Though she wore a hood over her head, her silver hair was visible over her eyes and around her ears, projecting a metallic glow in the dark. She folded her knees close to her chest and waited. After a few minutes, the sounds came back. The same ones that had left a mark in her soul. They came out of the forest, out of destroyed apartments and towards the fence that surrounded the field and the building behind. Their bodies were dark and shady, like tiny silhouettes and if you looked closely, you could see just how deranged they were. They wanted nothing, needed nothing, but the flesh and blood of those still pure. Their mentality forced them to ignore the pain of their decaying bodies. That of their skin which hung from their bodies were red and stained from the blood of those they had consumed. Mindless beings that were dead from the inside but alive for the meat.

They stood there, groaning, pushing at the metal fence, knowing that there was indeed something for them to eat. Yet there was a fence and, though they were too brainwashed to know, there were weapons that could destroy them in less than a second.

It was a funny thing, the life that she lived in now. Just two years ago, she was enjoying a comfortable life in a wonderful house with a family she loved. Her days were languorous, her schedule as simple as going to school and sleeping. Yet, she yearned for the safe feeling to return again. Safety was a thing only lucky people found in this new era. And though she was staying in a shelter, the security seemed distant and temporary.

The phrase "No one knows the future", is something many wise people have said throughout the years. However, every single survivor could agree that out of all the days taken for the Earth to rotate around the burning sun, The Day of the greatest Massacre proved that very sentence, beyond compare. Not one living thing saw the Day coming. Not one person could have ever guessed that such a Day will hit the world like it eventually did. And when it did, more than half of the world's population receded in the blink of an eye.

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