Ch 18: Nightmare

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Author's Note: enjoy the chapter.

[ Jan 21st - Saturday - 8:12 am ]

As the chilly morning raises, HanEul's eyes open and her limbs flex in shock. Every thought was in high definition. Her eyes take in every ray of light from the sun and without a doubt she knew she had an disturbing nightmare. If she could recall, HanEul hasn't had one in years. A dream so displeasing and ungrateful. She places her shaken hands on the bed cover and grabbed it a handful which made her knuckles turned pure white. Then HanEul raised one hand, slowly reaching up to her heft eye. Covering it as she breathes in and out heavily.

A fresh layers of sweat covering her forehead and her hearts pounds deep inside of her chest with a adrenaline rush. HanEul just stared down to her lap with a tint of fear in her eyes.

She can remember her dream―no―her nightmare very vividly!

But, as she tries to calm herself, one thing she was so sure of was that something isn't right. When she first dreamt about a horrible nightmare just like moments ago, it happened when the first few months she discovered about her incurable disease. But I...don't understand, it's been so long. Could it— be that it starting to reach its peak? - HanEul thought as she can't comprehend what was going on and she doesn't like it one bit. The uneasiness deep in her heart and the tingling feeling of the tips of her fingers is kinda driving her on edge.

Just as she looked around the unfamiliar room, fresh memories from yesterday started to get back to her; Baekhyun and her enter his family's mansion and remembered it was the same like last time when she first enter their home. The maids came up and greeted them. "Welcome back, young master." Baekhyun just ignore them but then he told them to show HanEul her room. Later, her parents arrived along with Baekhyun's parents and soon they talked, walked, and then ate dinner but in the middle of eating she started to feel dizzy. That's only bits of images she could remember after dinner.

It started to worried her this new symptom, losing memories while she's awake would definitely be not a good sign.

Then HanEul let out a small sigh as she remembered another memory of her parents were having a blast. They seems to be enjoying themselves and very thrilled that all are going to be one big happy family. It was kinda frustrating for HanEul since she doesn't want to be part of this new family they'll soon become. Mother and Father can be so troublesome and nosy sometimes.

As HanEul was trying to remember what happened yesterday she couldn't help but still feel the fear writhe into her entire being. The coldness and the wet bloody floor beneath her feet which was filled with corpses of the people she knew. It was gory and sick.

Then, a soft voice interrupted her thoughts as well a knock coming from the door, "Lady HanEul-sshi? Are you awake?" - one of the maid asked through the door then carefully walked in the room. She was relieved to know that HanEul was already awake but she was kinda concerned that HanEul sort of looked the same from last night.

Pale and looking ill. But she stayed quiet and helped HanEul to get dressed so she could eat breakfast.

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As the maid guide HanEul to the diner room, just a couple feet away she could hear them talking and laughing. HanEul halt for a brief moment and unconsciously frown a little and formed fists in both hand. HanEul is still shaken up when she woke up from a nightmare. Then she continued to follow the maid again.

Just as she was behind the maid, seconds before the maid would open the over-sized wooden double door, a word was kept repeated through her mind. Poker face. Poker face. Poker face. And so the doors open and she was greeted a long elegant table in front of her with her parents and Baekhyun's along with him eating fondly their breakfast. HanEul took a quick breath then had her poker face ready and face her new family.

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Author's Note: I'm sorry I didn't update a chapter within the one month schedule. Literally, so many things are happening in my personal life and it's very overwhelming and hard to deal with them when I know I can't pretend to be okay. Right now, it's still 100% good or bad either but there are still fixing to do. I am happy that I was able to have time for right this chapter even though it's short. Hopefully those who read this far would still continue reading my story. I do have so many ideas but because it's the middle of the story or you would like to say the "character development" is blocking to keep going. But I hope I can update another chapter very soon. Have a nice day and stay safe!!! ;3

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