Ch 7: Meet the Chill Guy

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Author's Note : I hope you'll enjoy reading this chapter.

[Jan 10 - Tuesday - 6:15 am]

Inside the library in the early morning is always been HanEul routine. It has always been calm and relaxing but after this couple of days, she can't help but feel slightly unsettling. From what happened yesterday, in her agenda that should never have happened. HanEul was hoping to keep this secret along with the others to her grave. Making the people around to believe that she has never talked before or that she is actually mute and never discovering the painfully secret she needs to keep. But she knew if she didn't give what Baekhyun wanted then it would cause more disruption in her life than it already has.

As she continues to read the book, she prays that no one would bother her any longer. Right when she thought of that someone suddenly sat next to her. HanEul wanted to sigh in frustration but she knows to need to stay composed no matter what. She stop reading and looked to the side, wanting to see the face who had the nerve to disrupt her peacefully time. If she wasn't calm and collected as she is now then things might turned out differently a little over five years ago. The girl she used to be would have made annoyed look on her face and maybe would have snapped back at the person who bothered her. Anyways, when she finally got to see the person's face, it did took her by surprised the new looking face. Not to mention, when this person is a guy and handsome. She already thought that this guy already have many fangirls behind his heels. With his hair comb to the side and colored blonde. Also the handsome features on his face,

Then out of nowhere he casually greeted her, "Yo~" - then finished with his charming smile. She got to admit this guy isn't bad at all, well only his face but what about the rest of it. HanEul gave him back a slight nod and no attention to him as she continues to read her book. As for the guy who she doesn't know said something unexpected. "Just to let you know, I know." - he said. HanEul looked back at him with a puzzled expression. She didn't quite understand by what he meant by that. What does he mean he knows?

"I'll make it clear for you. What I meant to say that I know between the relationship with you and dear pal, Baekhyun. He told me everything and when I mean everything, it's everything. Like how the government already chose you and him to be engaged and," - he paused for a moment and leaned closer to her and whispered. "the secret you've been keeping about you can talk."

With that last sentence, her grip on the book tighten and the boiling feeling she have towards Baekhyun. The guy leans back and sees that he wear yet again his charming smile but it's different than before. This smile is more like he won and she lost and didn't have a choose but to follow what he got to say while his eyes shows a powerful gaze yet playful. "Oh, he even told everyone of us last night, you know―the gang. Well, now that I'm finish what I got to say I'll be going now but before I go. . ." - he reached into his back pocket and slide a half folded paper to her. "this tells you where and when you have to visit our hide out. Everyone is so eager to know how you look like." - just like that he finished everything he got to say and left as HanEul follows the figure walking away. But before he does that and looked back at her again.

"Kris, my name is Kris―" - with that he finally left while leaving HanEul confuse and exhausted after everything just happened. She closed the book and one of her hand reached to touch the nose bridge. There are many things are going to fast for her comfort. For five years of planning to make her life a little easier is starting to crumble slowly. What did I do to deserve to have fate like this. All I wanted to have a peaceful life till the time comes when I have to leave. Is that too much to ask. As HanEul wears a painfully expression alone in her sit, she once again fails to notice someone else was hearing their conversation.

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Author's Note : what do you think? I finally made this chapter shorter than the last chapter. I just thought probably you guys didn't want to read long chapters. Well, have a great holiday and New Years.

- bacon_baek -

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