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Author's Note: so school started for me and I won't be able update more chapters in the future as frequent so I think that I should be updating every month. As I already told you this through the conversation section. It would be easier for me not to overwhelm myself and gather many ideas as possible to make every chapter exciting and fun to read. And if you notice that I didn't update a chapter every month from now on, it's because my lazy ass and no inspirations is coming through my weird crazy mind. If anyone have great ideas please message me.

[ Jan 17 - Tuesday - 6:50 am ]

Just before class would start, Kang Chul was hoping to talk to the librarian, Miss Ahn JangMi. There's something important he would like to discuss with her about two days ago when they were at HanEul's mansion. But he didn't have the chance to talk to her yesterday since he was late coming to school. So, today he came school early and he had enough time to look for her.

It didn't took long for him to figured out where Miss Ahn might be.

He walked in the library and saw JangMi sitting at her desk busy on the computer. "Good morning, JangMi-sshi, how do you do?" - as he greets her the same way he does with others teachers and co-workers.

 "Good morning, JangMi-sshi, how do you do?" - as he greets her the same way he does with others teachers and co-workers

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JangMi welcomed him with a warm bright smile, "Good morning, Mr. Park!" - while showing off her whiten teeth. It bemuse him how care-free JangMi-sshi is, especially around him. Furthermore, he carefully talked to her about the topic of HanEul's situation and their relationship. But then his thoughts about her was even more confused when she saw her laughing at his face whatever reason, "Ah man, you crack me up Mr. Park. I haven't laughed like that in years." - as she wiped the semi-tears on her eyes.

Kang Chul's mind was still a surging perplexity but quickly as it came, he looked at JangMi seriously. "...but I am being serious about this--" - just before he can continue what is in his mind, JangMi cut him off by placing her finger on his lips and same as always showing off her unique grin. "Don't worried about it, Mr Park. My lips are seal." - she said but Kang Chul isn't entirely convinced of her word. JangMi can figured out from the face he was making he isn't quite sure to believe her. So she further explain a little more about herself and at least to assure him that she is on their side.

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[Free periods - 11:30 am-1:18 pm]

The bell rung to signal all students that lunch is over and the next class is about to begin. But it didn't make much a difference to HanEul since she has two free periods after lunch. She's going downstairs from the rooftop to head to the library and she thought she must hurry because the book she was holding mustn't wait. HanEul was desperately wanting to have alone time to read that book. Despite, no one has ever seen HanEul showing any kind of expression but if you can get close enough, you can see the whiteness on her knuckles for holding the book tightly against her chest and the slightest tug at the corner of her lips is that she is very excited to read that book.

To her world, it's been ages she found something to read that is worth reading.

All this time were only cliche romance, boring memoirs, or that the plot of the story isn't balance. Even though, the books she was reading weren't that exciting to read but she can at least acknowledge a few parts in the story that was interesting to know. Just as she turned to her left to the next hall, she noticed it was fairly and unusually quiet. The bell just rang about less than a minute and the hallway is already empty. Usually this hallway would be crawling with students that are rushing to their class and HanEul can feel something fishy is going on and she doesn't like it.

But she kept going and try not to let the empty hallway bother her. Until a strong grip made contact on her small arm. Before HanEul could process what was going on, she was pulled forcefully into a dark room. As the light eliminate the room she frown mentally the moment she saw a familiar face.

"What do you want, Baekhyun?" - she said with a monotone voice. As much as HanEul want to show him how sicken she is whenever he confronted his face to her but that would only her life more complicated because she can guess how it will turned out since he is so persisted into snooping other people's life.

Baekhyun annoyingly humph how HanEul responded once she saw him, "Look here, princess," - he snapped back at her, "it's not like I want to see you either. Not after what happened on Saturday. I'm here because I received a call from your parents."

HanEul quizzically looked at him. In her head, she was trying to picture how did Baekhyun reacted or responded to her parents when they suddenly called him. It amuses her but at the same time she wondered why did her parents would contact him. But HanEul didn't let her poker face slipped away but instead only stared at Baekhyun as she wasn't shocked to hear the news he brought for her so he continued. "Well your parents told me that they including you are spending the weekend at our place."

It definitely hit her to the core. Spending the night over at his place..mother would definitely do something like this. - HanEul thought, if only she could yell right now. HanEul can already guessed what her mother is thinking. Probably, HanEul's mother was trying to strengthen their bond since she is engaged and soon she will be getting married at a very young age. Children between 16 to 20 are in a critical stage when they often rebel. But HanEul can figure that her mother is only meddling her social life again.

Mother hasn't change at all...

"Okay. Then I'll see you at the weekend." - HanEul said and left as Baekhyun was taken by surprise when HanEul was taking everything so calm. He was slightly expecting she would disagree or fuss about it with her usual intellectual remarks. But Baekhyun only grinned, he should have expected that because HanEul isn't like the rest of the girls he always encounter. When he came out the small storage room, he watch her as she walks away while still having that dangerous smile on his lips. He is in fact have something in mind and it might not be good.

"I'm not done with you, little Miss Secretive. I'll definitely break your prefect clam composure, make you fall me, make you feel you can't live without me, make you miserable that I'm only in your head. I will certainly make your cold-heart break." - he whispered to himself and walked the opposite direction.

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P.S : enjoy yourself with the story.

So Many Secrets!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora