Ch 5: Going Out 2

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Author's Note : Hello everyone, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and the story as wholeheartedly.


All of the noise disappeared in an instant. It was like being struck between two realities: one that was imperfect, but doable.  While the other version is where Kang Chul pictured himself in a perfect place of a perfect dream. The one thing that separates him from achieving that dream is he has to remain loyal to one person he is next to his wife. As Kang Chul further analyze what happened minutes ago, Baekhyun's taunting words is helplessly stuck into his mind. He continued to stare down at his hands that are resting on the table while his wife is happy conversating with HanEul. Kang Chul couldn't help himself but repeat those words into his head.

"Good luck," - the exact words he heard from his student and not only that he can tell he was mocking him but he can't help that there is something his student was trying to say a different message. Kang Chul faced seems to darken whenever he continues to think what was Baekhyun's interpretation. It would bother him deeply especially when got the feeling that Baekhyun might stir things up that cannot be undone.

His heart feels uneasy and troubled.

But all those feelings vanished as soon his wife called his attention, "Oppa? Are you even listening?" - she pouted cutely when she noticed he wasn't listening at all.

He apologized and paid his full attention to her. Kang Chul's wife, MinYoung continued to talk and her sweet aura came back. When Baekhyun and InNa, his other student left the park, Kang Chul took this opportunity and invite HanEul to join them to eat lunch. Of course, he wasn't too sure about his wife would agree with this since they were on a date before they came in contact with his students. Thankfully, for his part that she didn't mind at all. All three of them had a wonderful time as they enjoy watching all the different markets they came across.

As the day continued to pass, they came to stop by a cafe and this is where they are currently are, where Kang Chul was too busy thinking deep into his thoughts for a moment. HanEul would be sitting in her seat, the opposite side from the couple and just watch them as they act lovely together. HanEul couldn't help but feel a little discomfort. She thinks that she is interrupting their time alone together.

Besides, why would she join them when they could join themselves alone. She's only a student and her teacher is just a teacher, nothing more. Also, it's illegal for a minor to be under a relationship with someone older especially when that man is married. HanEul thinks that it was time for her to go and leave them be. She stood up as it grabbed their attention. HanEul wrote something on her notebook and gave to MinYoung or as Mrs. Park: Thank you for the food but it's time for me to head out. MinYoung looked back at HanEul and felt slightly sad that she had to go so soon. "Alright," - MinYoung smiled softly, "but I hope to meet you again HanEul. This time just us two girls." - as she winked at her.

"Then I'll see you in class on Monday." - Kang Chul said. Although in truth, he just wants her to stay a little longer because he doesn't get to see her outside of school. Trying to know her better. Since she is mute so there is this mysterious aura around her that hasn't been touched yet.

Kang Chul already has gotten to know lots of his students. For example, their personality, their likes, and dislikes, their habits, even their hobbies. But HanEul is one of the few students he completely doesn't know anything at all. Except for the part, he learned that she likes the winter better than any other season. She is always quiet and always in her own world so she doesn't usually interact as much as the rest of his students. Doesn't even try to make friends or seeks part of the rest of the world which is one reason why he noticed her. Another reason would be that maybe if he reached out towards her, she could open up a little and wonder what is in her mind.

But apart from that, he knows he cannot denies this and he shamelessly has to admit it to himself that he could not believe the beauty that radiant from her will definitely bring the attention from everybody including himself.

Bringing back into reality, HanEul left the cafe and went back talking with his wife.

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While HanEul was a couple of blocks away from the cafe, she let out a soft but long sigh of relieved. The stiffness on her shoulders came to loosen and doesn't feel the awkward tension anymore. Her heart feels light and finally doesn't have to feel guilty. She thinks if she has stayed then maybe things gone complicated especially when she still have to comprehend why her homeroom teacher confessed his feelings for her.

HanEul checked her phone to know what time is it and it was already 2 o'clock. Time really does passed fast. She rubbed her hands together to get some warmth as she admires the people around her. She watches them, some heads down or lost in thought and wonder what their private worlds are like―each them viewing this same place, this same day, from a unique perspective. Some of them noticed the weak sun emitting in the sky, others the cloudy remains of yesterday snowstorms. Either way, their feet fall soothe HanEul better than a flowing river. It's because she is a city girl and always will be.

As soon as it came it all disappear when she heard a familiar voice a couple feet in front of her. The voices are loud and it seems that the owner of these voices is enjoying their time. She stopped her tracks and stood still as she looked straight ahead. Waiting for the people in front of her to clear the view, when she finally sees him laughing along his girlfriend. HanEul observes them for a little while then she thought that it would probably be rude to keep staring. Just when she was going to turn around, her eyes lock with his own. HanEul eyes slightly widen and quickly turned around.

She just hopes he doesn't calls her out and just ignore her.

Of course, that's wasn't going to happen. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" - he said as she could hear his footsteps coming closer. Just when she knows he is just right behind her, she slowly turned around and faced him. HanEul sees him smiling in wonder as he holds his girlfriend close to him. Before she could react or do anything the girl in front of her who's probably the same height as her and beautiful gleam brown eyes asked first with her soft gentle voice. "Oh! It's you again. But weren't you with Park-seongsangnim and his wife?"

"She's mute," - Baekhyun jumps in the conversation, "so she can't talk."

After he said that, InNa instantly apologized for her rudeness and that she didn't know about her situation. Just by hearing a few words from InNa, HanEul can tell she is a sweet person and Baekhyun is manipulating her feelings. She couldn't believe that she has to marry him. Somehow she got the feeling that this isn't over yet of seeing Baekhyun's true colors.

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Author's Note : Hey guys, finished with chapter five but I got to say as I was going writing the middle of this chapter I started to get lazy so there are parts I'm not satisfied with. I could wait and try to make this chapter better not I'm too lazy and I think there may be some readers who want this chapter to already upload and can't wait any longer. I hope I make chapter six so much better and very exhilarating. Bye-bye chingus/readers.

- Bacon_Baek -

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