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Lyra had been sitting in her father's study for nearly two hours. She knew there was a possibility Ares already sensed her presence when she heard the door open.

She sat confidently in the leather chair, her lips pursing with her legs crossed. Ares turned on the light-switch, causing the lamp next to his desk to light up. A smirk went to his lips - he had known Lyra was there.

"You want to speak with me?" Ares asked, but the question was more of a statement.

Lyra swallowed, finding inner courage as she shifted in the seat. She watched as her father closed the door behind him, still wearing his white coat from work.

He stuffed his hands in his tan khaki pants, loosening his tie before leaning against the wall. "May I have a guess as to what you want to speak with me about?"

"Let me give you a hint first. I've already asked you this once before." Lyra grinned, playing along with his childish game.

"You want to know what you are, is that correct?"

"Yeah, but not for me. I need to know for someone else."

"Roman, right?" Ares presumed. His thick Germanic accent sounded heavily in his words.

"No." Lyra's heart began to pound against the inside of her chest; warm tingles cascaded down the length of her arms before she spoke. "I need to know for the sake of his unborn child." She leaned forward, her elbows resting in her lap as she stared daggers at her father.

For the first time in her life, she saw surprise flicker in his eyes. His mouth fell agape slightly, his eyes went wide in... amazement?

"You- you're carrying his child?" Ares spoke with a laugh hiding in his throat. He appeared giddy by the news.

Lyra's brows knitted; a scared and confused feeling began to creep into her body as to why this was her father's reaction. The laugh buried within his throat came tumbling out in loud laughter.

He pushed himself off the wall, covering his mouth with tears forming his lower lids. "This is incredible. Do you have any idea what I've done?"

Lyra stood from the swivel chair, creeping away from her father with horror-filled eyes. She moved away from him slowly, wanting him to elaborate. She feared what he might say, but knew she needed to know.

Ares sat where Lyra had been sitting, letting out small laughs ever so often.

"What did you do?" Lyra managed to whisper.

"I had a break through." He smiled again. "I have been working on a project involving oneirology. I have been tapping into the subconscious of my patients, going against the grain, so to speak - sending subliminal messages through dreams. Most have failed, but you my dear... you and Roman, have made it all possible."

Lyra began to tremble; her hands clammy and her knees weak.

The dreams.

The want and need she felt for Roman simply did not exist - it never had. She had no freewill in the matter, she had felt destined to be in Roman's presence because it had been planted there. She had been practically brainwashed into falling in love with Roman, and the same had gone for him.

"Why?" Lyra whispered again, leaning against the wall in a desperate attempt to not fall to the floor.

"You're so powerful. Roman... well, he's powerful too. I met his mother, Olivia. I knew what she was the moment she walked into my office. I saw Roman through her mind- the handsome young man with the potential to rule... well everything." Ares smiled. "Imagine, an Upir and a succubus procreating. Can you imagine how powerful? I had to try it at least. I can't believe it actually worked- so soon."

There was too much to process; Lyra and Roman had been forced upon one another through a sadistic monster Lyra called "father."

Roman was an Upir - Lyra, a succubus. She had heard of the old mythology, the female demon who sucked life and energy from men through sex, but never would she have thought of herself as one. Sex had been something that set on the back burner of her life, up until she had met Roman Godfrey.

"If I'm a succubus, that's makes you..."

"You're only half, my dear. Your poor mother, just a pitiful fool. There had been many others, but none could produce one such as yourself, with the caul."

Lyra regained her stance and stumbled toward the door. She stopped, turning to face her father before leaving. "I'm getting rid of it. I won't let you control this child the way you have controlled me."

"I forbid it." Ares said, bracing his weight against the door, stopping Lyra from leaving.

"If you don't let me get rid of it, I'll tell Roman what you've done. He'll have you fired. All of your life's work will have gone to waste."

"You truly think Roman has any say in what really goes on at the Godfrey Institute? His name may be on it, but Dr. Pryce and Olivia Godfrey are the ones who call the shots."

"I guess I'll have to talk to Dr. Pryce then." Lyra pulled open the door, rushing out of her father's office.

She needed to get out of his line of sight before he manipulated her thoughts and feelings. She had nowhere to go, but knew she couldn't stay at home, not with Ares around - he had already done enough damage.

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