One simply cannot discourse without an introduction

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Greetings,  contrary to popular belief, are not old-fashioned.

When you say "Hi", "Hello", "Whaddup Gangsta G", you're inherently acknowledging someone's existence. You're essentially saying, "Look! It's another human being! Awesome! "

When you forgo the act of greeting someone, you're not recognizing them as human. You are treating them like an animal -- unworthy of the time it takes to say hello because it's not like they understand it, right?

Yet look at how often you do acknowledge an animal when you meet it. It might be a coo, a pat on the head, or a playful shove. Either way, you are doing what every animal does. You're acknowledging the existence of this other individual (maybe from a whole 'nother species) with a "How's it going?".

Being on the internet doesn't give you the right to ignore a sending a greeting to a stranger. Especially when if that stranger is trying to help you.

If you can't concede the inherent humanity and existence of someone upon initially meeting them on the internet or otherwise, don't be surprised if they ignore you.

If you don't treat me like a human -- or even a bloody dog -- I won't treat you as someone who is worthy of my time either.

This is the only reason I reject people's stories to critique right off the bat. If you can't deign to send me an introductory "hello", why should I help you? Because I know you'd spare a cat or dog a "hey".

I am not a lesser being.

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