Duelist's challenges are acts of honor

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Warning: Another very, very dark and angry rant. Proceed with caution.

There's one thing that I've been called that always bothers me.

It's a fairly common term and it's not exactly derogatory, yet I cannot help but feel shame and anger whenever anyone ever calls me it. 

It's "Grammar Nazi".

[Before anyone gets het up on how I can consider this a bad term, please note that I don't care if you call yourself that. Just don't call me that.]

First of all, the douche bag who thought that term would be funny needs to take a freaking history lesson. Especially from someone whose family lost twelve members of their close family in WWII under Nazi occupation (Oo! Oo! Pick me!).

Just because I'm going to bring up your spelling, grammar, and punctuation doesn't make me a Nazi.

Have any of the idiots who use that term ever walked in Auschwitz-Birkenau over the unmarked graves of your tortured family? If you have, trust me, you would never use it. It is not a joke. I'm not holding a freaking gun to your head, lynching you, or gassing you for fun.

I'm trying to help you. You calling me that, however, does make me want to hold a gun to your head etc.

Now, I'm not saying all Nazis were bad -- quite the contrary. There were tons of really wonderful people who were Nazis. What I am objecting to is likening the actions of the Nazi party to me correcting your mistakes.

And really, if you're going to call me names, especially names that are absolutely unacceptable in my books, don't ask for my help. If you cannot accept my criticism of your work, don't ask for it or don't read it. I'm not forcing you to take my advice. 

But under no circumstances should you insult me a term so derogatory and rude.

Call me an asshole, a whore, a bitch -- I don't care. Those are just words (that happen to be very reportable as well). When you call me a "Grammar Nazi" you make fun of the hell my family went through. You tell me that it's my fault. And that, I do not tolerate. 

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