'He looks so cute asleep.'

I walked up and decided to seat next to him on the couch.

'Maybe I should try to wake him up?'

I go slower to Karma and shake him a bit. Nothing happened. I shake him a little bit more.

"Karma. Wake up."

I felt something go around me and pulled me closer to Karma.


I looked and it was his arm pulling me to him. He was still asleep. I sigh and kiss his cheek.

"Hmm? Nagisa?"

"Hey your awake."

Karma smiled at me and I smiled back. Then Karma pulls out his phone.

"Hey Nagisa look at the phone."


"Just do it."

"Fine Karma."

I sight and looked at his phone. Then I heard a clip.

'Did he just take a picture?'

Karma look at his phone. I just looked at him. He looked so happy.

"So Nagisa would you mind telling why you kept that outfit?"

I blush since I was getting so embarrassed.

"Really I just hide it from my mom so she wouldn't find it. Why you ask?"

He showed me the picture when I first wore it.

"I got to say you look good in it but I think I like this picture of you best."

He showed a picture of me and him smiling. The clip that I heard was a picture being taken. I would be impressed, but it is a good photo. I wonder if I can maybe have it.. I don't think it would be a bad thing to ask for.

"Hey Karma. Have a question?"

Karma looked up from his phone.

"Yes Nagisa?"

"Can I have that picture?"

"Which one? Let me guess it's my new wallpaper."

He showed me his wallpaper. It was the one I wanted him to send me. I nod my head.

"Okay I'll send it to you."

" Really!"

"Only if you wear a skirt to school."

"........Karma no."

"Okay. So no picture for Nagisa."

"Karma. Do you really want people to see I'm a girl?"

"Does it matter. You are my girlfriend."

"Yes but do you want someone else looking at me with a skirt on?"

Why am I a Girl!! (Karmagisa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now