Lemon 4️⃣

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Sebastian was making the young master a cake when he heard a knock at the door. Sebastian had sensed the stranger but decided to ignore it; it wasn't hostile so he decided to do what he could before they made it to the door. The idiots he works with had put him seriously behind schedule with the explosions earlier. Otherwise, he would have never ignored a guest.
    Sebastian quickly dusted his hands and slid the cake into the oven. Grabbing his tailcoat and placing his uniform back in order, he opened the door slowly. A young lady who was about in her mid-twenties stood at the door. Sebastian bowed to her. "I apologize for the wait, dear lady. Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor." She was just staring, not at him, but behind him. "Is there something I can help you with, miss?"
    She shook her head, clearing her head it seems. "I apologize." She bowed, slightly surprising Sebastian. "I have come to see Lord Phantomhive, if I may."
    "My Lord is very busy, but I can let him know we have a guest. Please, do come in." He opened the door wider and gestured for her to come in. Eyeing her as she walked in, but nothing seemed special nor dangerous about her. "May I let him know who is here to see him?"
    "Yes, please. My name is ___ ___. It is likely the young master has forgotten me, though. If he doesn't remember me, I understand."
    "Remember you, my lady?"
    "Yes, I used to be a maid to Lady Phantomhive." She slightly bowed again.
    "I will notify my Lord that you are here. Please wait here."  He said gesturing to the lobby.

    Tapping against the young master's door, Sebastian listened for a response, and with a muffled, "Enter." He did so.
    "Excuse me, master, but it seems you have a guest," Sebastian informed Ciel as his eye was lazily scanning a piece of parchment. 
    "A guest? I don't remember setting up any meetings." He replied without looking up.
    "She came by just to see you. She claims to be an old maid of the Late Lady Phantomhive, her name is ___ ___." At this Sebastian's master's eye widens and sets the paper down. Catching Sebastian off guard since Ciel never liked to be bothered when he had paperwork.
    "Escort me to her." He stood, then Sebastian escorted him to the lobby.

    When Miss ___ saw them, she bowed to Lord Phantomhive.
    "___, there is no need for that," Ciel stated, she straightened up at his words. "I am glad to see you." The smallest of all smirks grimaced his face for a split second. "But I must ask, why are you here?"
    "Well, I came to see Lord Phantomhive, whom I can see is you, my young Lord." She was clearly on the verge of tears, which she tried to hold back. "My Lord, I have returned from my education course. I am very happy to be back home from Japan. I heard of what happened." She stopped and smiled slightly. "I just wanted to see you and make sure you were fine. I left a few months before you turned ten. I apologize for not being here." She bowed deeply.
    "___, stop." Ciel gritted his teeth. Sebastian was shocked to hear a lot of this. There was very little he didn't know about the young master. He guessed this is one he will be learning about. Then his master looked at him. "Go make some tea and bring it to the drawing room. ___ come with me."
    "Yes, my Lord," Sebastian stated, but his words just echoed ___'s. To respond so dedicated and quickly, she must be the best of maids, well for a human anyways.
    Ciel walked off, with ___ in tow.

    Ciel pulled a chair out for ___ to sit at the chessboard. "My Lord?" She questioned him.
    "Play a game of chess with me. We have a lot of catching up to do." ___ sat as he requested of her, he sat across from ___. Ciel smirked and it made ___ so happy to see him smirk. "I remember you. You were one of the maids that would play with me all the time when mother or Elizabeth couldn't." Ciel moved his first pawn.
    "Yes." ___ smiled at the memories. "Your eyes were so full of wonder and happiness. You were the sweetest and happiest child I knew. Being a maid of the Phantomhive's was being more like family. Although the light is dulled in you now, I am still so happy to see you. My sweet young Lord."
    "Since when do you call me Lord?" He seemed slightly irritated as he took ___'s rook with his bishop.
    "Being in Japan made me more proper, I would assume. Also, you are now a Lord. Would you like me to just call you Ciel?"
    "Yes. You were the only maid that would ever drop the formalities with me and just have fun."  Ciel went silent as she moved her bishop to take his knight. He made an annoyed sound when ___ did so and triggering a giggle from her. "What are you laughing at?" He glared at her slightly as he moved another piece.
    "You used to always make that noise when I took something away from you." ___ kept smiling. "Although you've changed a lot, Ciel, you're still the little brother I've always loved." She smiled at him tenderhearted; her eyes crinkle a bit as she did so. 
    A slight blush dusted his cheeks. "You still say the word ‘love’ so freely." Then he looked at her seriously, with a slightly blank look.
    "That's not true." ___ gave a slight pouty face. This playful, happy side is something she rarely showed to anyone. She usually just stuck to her manners. Ciel knew that too, so a smirk slightly crept its way onto his face again.
    There was a slight knock at the door and Ciel's butler rolled in a cart with tea and treats. Sebastian poured Ciel and ___ some tea.
Ciel paused, watched his butler then smirked. "That's true. You hated the dog, Sebastian." Ciel's butler eyed him.
    "That isn't true, Ciel! I loved Sebastian, but he would always roll around in the laundry right after I folded everything!" ___ exasperated with her cheeks puffed out slightly.
The butler paused for a moment then looked between them, making Ciel chuckle.
    "But you always smacked him."
    "For trying to eat you!" She defended. "Sebastian was an amazing dog, he just liked to gnaw on cute, soft, innocent boys. I couldn't just let him eat you. You were just a baby!" Ciel was in full laughter as his butler was glaring at the two of them. "Did I say something laughable?" She questioned cocking her head slightly. Ciel took a deep breath and looked over to his butler.
    "___, this is my butler." ___ nodded towards him with a polite smile. "His name is Sebastian." Her cheeks dusted with a slight blush.
    "I am sorry; please don't think I meant any of that towards you." ___ bowed your head slightly.
"Don't worry, madam. Although you weren't referring to me somehow, that sounds like me." He said with a devious smirk.
    "You mean, you roll around in freshly folded laundry to annoy people?" She cocked her head and Ciel went into full blown laughter again. "What did I say that was so laughable?" ___ glared at Ciel.
    "Oh, nothing." He wiped a tear away from his left eye. "___, you must be my maid again. I think having you around would be great again. Although you'll bring some unwanted memories... Please, accept."
    She smiled brightly. "My dearest Ciel, I would love nothing more than to be with you again."
    "Sebastian, make arrangement for ___ to belong to part of my staff. Give her jobs, she's very capable. Let her stay in a nicer room than the servant court. See to it while we finish our game."
    His butler knelt with a hand over his heart. "Certainly, My Lord."


    Sebastian and ___ were cooking dinner. She was a lot like Agni, finding the good in people. Every night she could get Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard to help her while Sebastian set tea and the dining area and other chores he couldn't finish earlier. She is a pleasant human, though, she's brought peace and quick resolve with almost everyone in the household.
    She even loved cats, since Ciel cares for her deeply, she was permitted to have cats in her quarters. Although Sebastian finds it improper for himself to be in a young lady's room at night to an extent, he would often come into her room and take care of her adorable cats. 
    ​Tonight, only the master, Sebastian, and ___ would be in the household.​ So cooking dinner was easy since they didn't need to feed the rest of the staff. ___ had eaten earlier anyways. Sebastian went to start the young master's blueberry cheesecake, when suddenly ___ stopped him.
    "Sebastian, what are you making?"
    "Master's favorite dessert, blueberry cheesecake." He stated, eyeing her a bit, she's never stopped him before.
    "Ciel said he wanted his favorite dessert tonight, though, cheesecake is not his favorite."
    "It has been for awhile, my lady." She's never argued with Sebastian before and for some reason, it just started to annoy him.
    She just smiled at him. "His favorite is chocolate gateau. Favorites never change in the Phantomhive household."
    He smiled at her for the nostalgia. "How about a little bet then?" Why Sebastian was flirting with her, he just couldn't really place it. Although the challenge seemed fun.
    "Bet about what?" She smirked. "What are the terms?"
    "We both cook what we think the young master's favorite dessert is. Then we each serve a slice of our pieces. Whoever the young lord likes more, gets the other to be a servant for the winner."
    "So when I win, you'll become my servant?" She smirked so coyly and deviously, she was facing him, making Sebastian pause for a moment. She's never flirted with Sebastian before nor competed. He liked seeing this side of her.
    He smiled back just as devious, taking a finger under her chin. "My ___, you forget. I am simply one Hell of a Butler."
    She smiled at him softly. "Being a demon and an amazing cook doesn't mean you'll win." She winked then turned around to go gather her ingredients.
    'I didn't know she knew that I was a demon. Although that does make things a bit easier now.' Sebastian thought to himself.
    Then the bet was started.

    Sebastian pushed the cart of food inside the master's office with dinner and slice of Sebastian's blueberry cheesecake and ___'s chocolate gateau. ___ served the master his food, while Sebastian poured his tea. After Ciel finished his food, both ___ and Sebastian placed their desserts in front of him.
    "Why is there two?" He questioned with a slight frown.
    "Well, there was slight deliberation on what your favorite dessert was. I made what I believe it is and ___ did the same." Sebastian smiled at him slightly.
    He scoffed. "Really? How childish." Making Sebastian and ___ smirk slightly at his words. The young master reached out for the dessert. Much to Sebastian's dismay, he took ___'s. "I can't believe you remember." He mumbled to ___ as he cut a piece to eat. "You can leave me until I wish to retire."
    "Yes, my lord." Sebastian bowed.
    "See you later, Ciel." ___ smiled at him and he just smirked and waved them off.

    Once back in the kitchen to clean the dishes. "So, when do you become my servant?" She giggled at Sebastian, he sighed playfully in response.
    "When you wish it, my lady." Sebastian bowed jokingly at her. She pushed him slightly.
    "How about tonight, so it doesn't interfere with Ciel's plans?"
    "That's sounds fine to me." He nodded.
    "Well first off. Sebastian, I have told you time and time again. It's ___. Not lady, miss or, madam. You've known me for a year. Just call me, ___." She pouted a bit.
    Sebastian smiled at her. "Okay, ___. What would you like me to do?"
    "Well, unfortunately, I keep very clean so I can't make you do too much." She paused for a moment. "Wash all my cats, brush them, trim their claws and change their litter boxes." She smiled at him.
    "That's not really punishment." She knew of his love for cats.
    "It's not meant to be, it's just something I don't wanna do tonight. I would just like to take a long hot bath." Then she turned and winked at him just before she left. "If you'd like to help with that later, you can." She giggled as her steps faded away.
    "I just might." Sebastian mumbled to himself.

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