Lemon 2️⃣

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Normal day for you, you are escorted by your butler Sebastian into the tub. And he says that he'll be back with fresh shampoo, soap, etc.
You dipped yourself into the warm bath, you decided not to take a shower this time. You were lazy is all.

You've been feeling strange sensations when you are around your demon butler. It was different from the 'he smiles at you, your heart pangs'. It was  more like a 'when he takes hold of your hand,you feel...so strange' And it makes you want to touch...
"Just thinking about him...makes me..." you went in for the kill and touched your boobs, toying with your pink and plump nipples. Your boobs were perfect, firm, not too big and not too small. You slightly squeezed it, and a mini moan escaped your mouth.

You let go, and laid your back against the wet,bath walls, and opened your legs. You slowly traveled down south and touched it just gently, and that same sensation...it felt...good...!

You rubbed up and down, each time a moan escaping your mouth. Hoping Sebastian won't here, you shut your mouth closed. But that didn't help anything. The more you rubbed, the more you bit your lip to hide the moans. "K-Kyah!" You screamed ever so gently, and something poured out of you. Not even wishing to see what it was, you hurriedly mixed it around with the water. 'No way in bloody hell am I allowing Sebastian to see me like this- this...this...!" You turned around to see a smirking Sebastian. Did he see? Oh god if he saw...It's going to be the end.

"Lady (y/n). What did you not want me to see?" he walked over to you, and took off his butler jacket. You dipped yourself deeper into the bath and huffed. "None of your business. Hurry up and bath me" you growled, and he nodded. He rolled his sleeves up, and took off his gloves. "Lean back, if you would" he asked politely and you did so. He placed some soap on his hands and mixed them together. He came closer to you and bent down on his knees.


He groped your chest without hesitation, and even squeezing them and playing with them...! What is he doing?!
But you gotta admit it felt heavenly.
"S-Sebastian what are you- A-ah..." he came close to your neck, and kissed it ever so gently. He's smirking, you just know it. Especially with your face flustered like this...What a pain in the a-
"Lady (y/n)...You're such a naughty naughty girl, maybe I'll have to teach you a lesson" he teased, whispering in my ear. "W-wait, n-n-no..I...S-stop...?" you choked out between your moans. He went to a pause, and furrowed his brows upward. "Hm~ You don't like this?" he pouted with a frown. "It's not-" "Good" he wrapped an arm around your chest and used the other hand to go down. He gently rubbed and you bit your lips, this is so confusing...! It feels amazing truth be heard, what would you expect from a demon? But..

"Mm.." you finally let out a proper moan as he rubbed even deeper. You finally gave in, instead of you being the mistress and him the butler, he ended up being the master and you the little toy. You were aroused in his sensual moves, it's incredible. A wide blush scattered your face as he did this,making him smirk even more. "Honestly Lady (y/n). You really are a naughty girl" he stopped, and you turned to him, a bit shocked and relieved at the same time, thinking it over.

You were dead wrong.

Sebastian pulled away and stood up, stretching and not giving a single care in the world. "Thank the heavens...is it over?" You asked. "Hm? Of course not. We're just beginning" he smiled. He's smiling. He's planning something. He picked up my towel and I stood, he wrapped it around me and picked me up - all of a sudden - bridal style. "E-eh?! What are you-" before you could say anymore, he smacked his lips onto yours. "Mmph?!" you were melting, you just know it.
He began to walk into your bedroom, and separated as he laid you down on the bed. "What are you planning...Sebastian?" you tried to glare. "It's absolutely adorable how you're blushing" He nonchalantly pulled down his- PANTS?!DIWDO303F-

And you're overloading.

"S-s-s-s-s-" your eyes became swirly, and you tried your best to lift yourself up, but you were too lazy (again). "Yes, Lady (y/n)?" he asked, he's pulling down his boxe- You can't do this! Your face became a tomato as he slowly made his way to you. "Now then" you could feel 'it' touching your area..."Let the fun begin" he smiled his signature smiles and wasted NO time to even worry about how you felt. You let out a high pitched screech, and wrapped your arms around his neck. Moaning, Sebastian smirked. "Are you sure you want to be making so much noise?" he smiled and you immediately shut your lips. There wasn't really anything to worry about, it's just that he'll tease you later about how LOUD you are.

You don't want that, now do you?!
Things were getting heated, Sebastian swirled his tongue around your hard, pink and plump nipples. He kissed you, fondled you, he did everything to you.
All of a sudden...
Something poured into you. "W-wha-" "Shh~" Sebastian placed a finger on his lips. Was that- 
He rested his head on your chest, and closed his eyes. Does he really plan on laying down like this?
"But your breasts are a satisfaction. Warm and soft like pillows. You really expect me to resist?"
Your face turned a bright red as he stood and got dressed again. "Remember, you have dance lessons-"
"HOW in the BLOODY HELL are you treating this as a NORMAL THING?" "I'm simply one hell of a butler"
You mumbled 'one hell of a butler my arse'
"What was that?" he smirked with a vein popping on his head. "NOTHING, Now hurry up and dress me already" you huffed your cheeks out.

"Yes, Lady (y/n)"

The writer of this story is...http://stockinganarchy112.deviantart.com

Sebastian x reader! LEMONS  🍋Where stories live. Discover now