Childhood (Part 2){WARNING: Kind of smut at the end of the chapter}

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:


I walked back into my room and laid back down on my bed.

I guess I had fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew I was waking up and the clock in my room had said that an hour had passed. Why am I so tired?

I heard a knock on my door. Then my mom walked into the room with a prescription.

"Eren's dad gave me these and told me to have you take them once a day.
"But I thought I wasn't sick"

"No you weren't, that was just your first heat, you smelled different when you walked downstairs and I knew it right away"


Armin's mother gave him the pills and left his room. The blonde sat there in silence regretting all of his life decisions that might have led up to him being an omega.


A few days later Armin went over to Eren's house, as usual.

"Armin!, why haven't you been here in a few days?"

"I-I was presenting"

"So what were you?"

Armin looked down at the floor in embarrassment

"I'm an omega"

"That's cool"


Eren paused for a minute.

"Do you wanna go throw rocks at the wall?"



Eren's POV  present time

The next thing I knew, me and Armin had walked back to my house and we were now making out in our room. My hands were trailing down his torso. He was sitting in my lap so I pulled him closer. His hands were strung through my hair, our eyes were closed. It was getting pretty damn hot. I started to pin him down onto our bed. I put my hand under the small of his back to hold him up while he was underneath me. Armin broke away from the kiss and began gasping for air. Our foreheads were touching as our breathing started to soften.
I pinned his arms above his head and started to kiss him again. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I began moaning into his. I took one of my hands off his back and began to trail it up his shirt. I squeezed one of my omegas nipples. My boyfriend gasped.
I pulled his shirt off and began to trail kisses down his torso. Armin moaned and arched his back while I smirked in satisfaction. It was amazing seeing him melt into my hands like this. However I stopped for a few seconds when I got to the bottom of his stomach. What would this look like if he was heavy with our children. Would Armin be embarrassed about it? God damnit, I thought I could get these thoughts out of my head.

Armin finished swallowing the load I had put in his mouth after he gave me a blowjob. He wiped his mouth and I could see that he was still blushing. I pulled my pants back on and gave him a light peck on his forehead. He then proceeded to put his shirt back on and we walked into the kitchen to make dinner.

We sat down at the small dining room table we had just bought a few weeks ago. Armin had told me about he thought the table in our living room was too big, and since it was only us two living there, he insisted on us buying a smaller one.
After we sat down with our plates of spaghetti we were eating in silence until Armin decided to speak up.

"Do you think we should get a cat?"

"Yeah I guess so"

"Look, I know that you want kids but if we get a cat at least you and I could take care of something together and have something to come home to. Plus we wouldn't have to pay to send it to college" 
Armin chuckled at himself.

"Yeah that would be nice" I said with my face full of spaghetti which made my boyfriend bust out laughing.

"I love you, you dork"

"I love you too Armin"

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'll try to have the next chapter up in a few days

Start with a Conversationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें