"What now?" Gladio looked back towards his friend laying in pain.

Prompto reached towards Noctis' hand and demanded him to hold it. The words "sorry" were read on Prompto's lips as he failed to speak. The sharp claws that sat on Prompto's hand began digging into the soft and delicate skin of the prince's. He tried not to flinch and stayed by Prompto's side.
His grip got tighter and tighter as the Lucian Prince felt his hand hurt further and further, but it was for a cause worth feeling pain for.
Red blood began oozing from deep wounds left my Prompto, causing the prince to feel his best friend's suffering.

The Regalia jolted forward as Ignis put his foot down to reach Lestallum for help. The sound of the air passing over the Regalia added tension to the atmosphere inside the car.

"Tell me what's happening!" Ignis shouted.

"I.. I don't know!" Noctis Panicked.
Prompto squeezed tighter as the pain grew stronger and he couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm broken." Tears began Rolling down Prompto's freckled cheeks.

The pain was controlling him and took hold of each and every vein and artery in his body, corrupting them with purple goo that began to seep slowly into his bloodstream. Dense streetlights began lighting up the inside of the car, revealing the true state that Prompto was in. It was like a dream trance as Iggy pulled the car over and the three men jumped out the car as quickly as possible.

"We have to get him somewhere safe to find help!" The distant echo of Gladio spoke as a leader.
The world grew darker and Prompto fell quicker.


The ticking sound of the clock passing each second and the warm lighting that came through the pale curtains began to enter Prompto's senses. A cool breeze brushed through the room and sweeped the blonde hair out of Prompto's eyes. He lay there as he came to terms with his surroundings.

"I've never seen someone stay so close to another... and I was King Regis' best friend so this says a lot!" An older voice slowly hushed Prompto awake.  He could feel a heavier and more warmer weight draped over his lifeless legs.

Prompto groaned as his ocean eyes began to open and squinted at the bright light of the morning. He looked down at his body to see Prince Noctis fast asleep across his legs and this caused a small grin to appear on his face.
"Ever at my side" Prompto thought to himself.

Prompto swivelled his head to turn to the older man that stood over him.
"Thank heavens you're awake." The elder smiled.

"Just about" Prompto groaned.

" I'm Jared. Nice to meet you." The man placed his hand on the weak boy's shoulder.

"You too." Prompto tried to let out a grin.
Noctis did not move a muscle as he lay snoozing on top of Prompto's weak body.

"He hasn't left your side." Jared laughed.
Prompto did not reply and only stared at Noct for a long time.
The man began to leave the room as he was aware of Prompto's true emotions and left him to have space.

"Jared? Where are the others?" Prompto used his energy to question the elder who was leaving the room.

"Gone looking for answers." Jared peered at the floor and had a more sinister tone.
What did that mean? Was Prompto in trouble? What do the others know? How will they find out?

Suddenly, Noctis jumped from his sleep and shot up abruptly. The prince revealed his face to Prompto as it lit up brightly against the warm sun. His eyes were bloodshot and red and his cheeks had a layer of condensation. He had been crying.

"Prompto!" His voice cracked as his eyes lit up in delight.

"Hey bud." Prompto wavily replied.

"I'm so sorry! I said I would be strong as I am heir to the throne, but I couldn't do it! My father would be ashamed of me.. but he's dead so that doesn't matter now! And I've let my dead mother down by failing her too, I've failed the bros and now I've failed you!" Noctis' eyes began tearing up as he blurted everything out to the vulnerable Prompto.

"You're my weakness." Noct began crying as he burrowed his head into Prompto.

A moment passed and the room felt even again. The birds tweeted and the busy sound of Lestallum began growing louder.

"How long was I out for?" Prompto quietly spoke.

"9 weeks." The muffled voice of Noct was heard through the duvet.
This number struck Prompto and his body jolted. He tried to raise his arms to sit himself up, but he was too weak and tired. Noctis noticed his struggles and decided to stand up to assist.

Noct stroked the scars on his hands from Prompto's fingernails as he placed his hand behind Prompto's back to pull him up.
A sigh of relief was let out of both of them.

"What answers do you seek?" Prompto questioned.

"A cure." Noct truthfully replied.

"For me?" Prompto looked puzzled.

"Yes." Noct replied strictly, but sadly.
For a moment Prompto tried to form a fist, angered at the thought of his secret being discovered before he could tell. But his anger died out as he laid too weak and not very useful to the situation.

Out of nowhere, Noctis' soft fingers began gliding along Prompto's wrist.
Noct smiled as he lookd up at Prompto, " I didn't know you had a tattoo."
Prompto was frozen in fear, his gloves were removed from his hands and his branding remained uncovered.
He became saddened.

"It's not." Tears began forming.

"Huh?" Noctis raised an eyebrow as he held Prompto's wrist.

"You see... I haven't been truthful with you, or the guys." The branded boy choked.

"I'm different and you know barely anything about me..." he continued.

" you see...I... I was not born here, inside the walls of Lucis. Nor was I even born." Tears began streaming.

" I was made... made inside a lab to be used as a weapon. I'm a bot Noctis! A bot!" The boy began to get hysterical and quickly began screaming.

"I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me Noctis. I understand if you no longer want to remain by my side, but I want to thank you for the times you have." The screaming continued.

Prompto's hysteria was silenced as Noctis leaped forward and hugged him tightly. The royal arms gripped his crying friend and Prompto soaked his shirt with salty tears. The sun reflected off the mirror on the side of the bed, causing the room to sparkle. It was when the dark blue Black hair and the blonde locks intertwined, they both sat in each other's arms and dwindled on the moment.
The strong Prince even began crying, causing Prompto to rest his head against his chest as support as he felt the pain inside his thumping heart.
It was as if a weight was lifted and the bond between the two had grown stronger. The sounds of the marketplace slowly began seeping back into the reality of the room and Noctis let out a sentence.

"Forever at your side".

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now