"Probably," I muttered.

I filled up my plate with steamed broccoli and macaroni and cheese. My appetite was back, and it was greater than ever. My body must be feeling the lack of food it had been getting.

A silence suddenly drifted across the giant dining room table. I glanced over to the doorway where Emily stood with a little girl. She looked about 5 years old. She was a tiny thing with tan skin, and long straight dark hair. Her face was hidden. She looked to be native american. I couldn't help the smile that slipped onto my face. She was just too cute.

Emily pulled out a chair next to her at the head at the table, then took her seat.

"Girls, I hope you will make her feel welcomed here," Emily said.

She didn't say her name, or anything about her. Everyone went back to talking. I shot a confused look at my roommates. Abby just shrugged, so I went back to snarfing down as much food as I could. I kept my eyes on the new girl though. Emily had given her some food, but she wasn't eating it. She was just staring down at the plate in front of her.

"My name is Hannah. What is your name?" An eight year old across from the new girl asked.

I perked up my head, also curious. The girl didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you talking?" Hannah asked.

The new girl just kept her eyes trained on her plate. I glanced at Emily who was busy tying up a little girls hair.

"Hey Katie," Hannah nudged a ten year old, "look she doesn't talk."

The ten year old and her friend turned their attention to the new girl, who still wasn't looking at them. She kept her eyes on her plate. I knew trouble was stirring up, but the rest of the table was unaware of the interaction the new girl was having with these other bratty little girls.

"How come you aren't telling us your name?" Katie asked. "Are you a little scaredy cat?"

The brat sitting next to Katie laughed at that.

I always hated Katie. She was nothing but trouble to me. Always asking too many questions, and trying to get into other peoples business. Katie bragged about how her parents were coming back to get her, but were in just a bit of a hard spot. It wasn't just something made up like I would have expected. Her mother came every other week, and took her out to the park. Her father came once while I was here, and just looking at him you could tell he was a drug addict. From the bruises her mother sported you could also tell he beat her. Even though I felt bad for Katie, I still couldn't stand her because of her inflated ego, and the way she treated all the other girls.

"Why are you here? Did your parents abandon you? They didn't want you any more?" Katie continued taunting.

The little girl clenched her jaw, and kept her head down.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," Katie snapped.

That was it I couldn't stand it any more. I stood up from my spot at the table, getting the attention of my roommates. I stalked over to the two girls who were picking on the new girl. I bent down, and rested my arms on their shoulders. They immediately stiffened, and turned their heads to me.

"How about you two stop bullying someone, just because she refuses to care about what two obnoxious little girls have to say. Ok?" I asked, but they both understood it wasn't a question.

They immediately nodded their head.

"If I ever catch you two picking on another girl, especially this one, I will make sure you regret it. Now if you don't mind, I would like to swap seats with you two."

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