Part 5: news

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Sun drag Ink around the little village of pirates. They finally stopped in front of a group of people dancing to the sound of music that was playing in the background. Everyone seem joyful as they listen to this up beat tune. Ink was kinda shocked, because he always thought that pirates were mean and scary, but right now they seemed nice and even friendly. After the music was over the dancers bowed to one another, while everyone clapped.

Sun looked up to Ink and told him, when she first heard that song her big Sis let out a loud burp at the end and it made everyone laugh. They continued roaming around till they were drawn toward a sweet smell in the air and walked in the direction of the yummy aroma. They stopped at a bakery where they saw a woman walking out with a tray bake goods. Sun ran over and tried to grab one and the woman wacked her hand away. "Child you shouldn't do that, we need to let them cool" the woman said to Sun. The young little girl was about to be in tears from the in-pack by the hit. Ink stormed up and say "well you didn't need to hit her."

Then a bruit looking man walked out of the bakery and ask "whats going on here?!" The man walk up to Ink and look at him "I haven't seen you around, maybe I should teach you a lesson." Before he could grab Ink something stop the man in his tracks; and a female voice call out "is there a problem here gentlemen?" Ink and Sun turn around to see Breeze behind them with a mysterious smile. Then the woman began to explain and apologized to Sun for hitting her, Sun just smile and say "it's okey-dokey!" After seeing that the man had falling to the ground on his hands and knees catching his breath; Ink look at the man to see him shaking and apologizing as well, like he was begging for his life. Ink say "it's fine but are you alright?" The man look up with fear in his eyes saying "I-I'm g-good". Breeze walked over to the bakery and ask for a dozen of the sweet goodies.

The woman grab a bag and handed her a dozen of baked good. The man got up and hid behind the his wife to say "it's on the house!" Breeze smiled again and said "thanks but I rather pay, is that okay...?" They nodded and handed the bag to her. Breeze turn to Ink and Sun to say "well lets be going" then walking past the man and women. Sun run up to her sister, while Ink walk slowly behind looking at the couple they left behind. Wondering what just happened!

A few minutes later

They reach a nice looking house where Sun run up turn around and posed to say "Ink welcome to our house!" Ink and Breeze laughs a little before Breeze walk up to the house and open the door for them to enter. When they all got in Sun wanted to show what their house looked like to Ink, she grab Ink arm and say "so Ink want a tour around the house?!" He nods to say fine but before they could have the tour Breeze stops them, "hold it first I have something to say... I have to go to Captain Error house and I am wondering if you guys want to come?

Ink yelled "NO" thinking about the rude pirate captain, so Sun said "no thank you sis, I rather be with my new friend Ink right now." Breeze smiles and nods her head to say she understood. Ink and Sun turn around to have a tour around the house. Ink look back to see Breezes was gone already with out a trace. He turns to Sun smiling face, again still not sure what was happening.

Error is sitting at the end of a very long dining table waiting. He looks up to see Breeze sitting at the other end of the table. "Where is he?" Error asked a little annoy not seeing what he wants to see, "at my place Captain... he didn't want to come, but that's a good thing cause I have some news." Breeze replied.

Error raised a bone-brow waiting for it, "King Dream and some of his army are taking their ships to try to find us... but we don't have to worry cause he's heading to one of nightmare's ships that is lead by Commander Cross himself... they will be crossing paths soon" after finishing that sentence Breeze is trying to hold in her laughter while Error look (CROSSED) irritated.

Breeze cleared her throat and said something else "well either way I figured out why you wanted Ink now" a sound of glass braking echoes through the room, Error shattered his cup within his hand. But Breeze continues "I found out that Ink used to date Dream when they were younger and broke up when Dream had to return home." Error seemed relieved for a moment till what he heard next from Breeze. (Stop Breeze you making him mad)

"They even had a child together... but Ink doesn't know that. Dream kept that a secret and was going to tell him when they met again... I think Dream was hoping to get Ink back with that news." Error yelled "enough!" He then cleared his throat and said "tell me the news about the other pirates kings now." Breeze nodded and say "alright my captain... the four pirates kings of the seven seas... Nightmare is still bringing terror and fear in the seas. I still can't find Reaper aka Death's ship, but what I do know, he's causing death around the seas. And for your older brother Geno, he still is missing since that terrible storm, but rumors say that's the pirate king Death took him and had a child as well."

"And my brother Fresh?" Error asked. "Still the pest of the seas, stealing anything he want and being a parasite to the ships he stuck on," Breeze replied. Error sighed before saying "that's all, you may go but tomorrow I want you to bring the prisoner here no matter what!" Breeze bowed, "as you wish sir, one of the four pirates kings of the seven seas" with that said, Breeze vanished into the shadow.

Author-chan: Sorry for taking so long I had a lot going on and Breeze read one of the comments and thought they meant level of violence so she went overprotective mode to Ink.

Breeze: how should I know they meant something else I'm still learning about the outside world.

Sun: me too!

Author-chan: well next time don't go research on your own, and ask me or let yo (got interrupted)

Breeze: I ask my shadow creature and they told me that...

Shadow creature: I wasn't finished explaining though

Author-chan: ok that's it's the room is getting to crowded I'm leaving!!!!

Dad: boy eight people and superman yelling at you guys to get out of his phone-booth I bet it is crowded.

Sun: bye bye everyone❣️❣️

Breeze: if you want to hear my burp go to OC one, see ya later.

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