Chapter fourteen

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I made my way back to dorm, Monica still wasn't back. I sat the flower on the window seal and sat down.
As I sat down on my bed, I felt A cold breeze go down my back and the feeling that someone was watching me again.
       "Okay that's it, I know you're there"
I summoned all my course and stood up to talk to what ever ad been watching me.
        "I don't know what you are or how you are but what I do know is that I am not scared of you" Cordila said
I don't know if I said that to convince whoever was watching me or myself.i shook off the feeling and went into the bathroom and rinsed my face.
As I bent down to splash water on my face , the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up, and the smell of sulfur began to fill the  bathroom, as the window was blown open. I turned away from the sink
Before I could close the window , a wrath came into the bathroom. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen with fear. I hovered above me and opened it's mouth with a blood currdling sreach.
Before I could scream the creepy guy from my class burst into my dorm and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of bathroom and downstairs to outside with the wrath right behind us.  When we got outside the guy pushed me against the wall of the Dormitory and stood against it  himself.
Before I could say anything the wrath came outside letting out one more seech before it dissolved into dust.
            "That was way to close for comfort" the guy said breathing heavily.
           You're telling me, by the way who the heck are you" Cordila asked
            "You know most people would say thank you" the guy said.
People began to circle around  the dorm and stare at me and the guy.
          "Nothing to see here, keep it moving, keep it moving" the guy said waving the small crowd away.
           "Okay thanks, but that still doesn't answer my question. Who are you?" Cordila asked
             " It's Chase......Chase Stone" Chase said turning to her

Another Stone. As I looked at him he did look just like Mr. Stone just younger and no grey hair.
I guess the myths about this forgotten son is true, but what I don't understand is why is he here and not with his dad and terrible sisters , and why do people think he is a myth.
          "Well it's nice to meet you and thanks for saving me from that thing" Cordila said
                "Don't mention it, really" Chase said walking away annoyed
             "Wait up, how did you that thing would be on campus not to mention in my dorm" Cordila asked
           "Okay first that thing is a wrath, if you are going to be here then learn the name of things especially if they can kill you. And second can't you just be happy that it's dead" Chase said stopping and stood in front of her.
        "No, even though I am glad it's dead but that is not the first one to attack me and I still want to know how you knew where it was" Cordila said
          "Lucky guess" Chase said walking away
        "Lucky guess nothing, I want to know how you knew where it would go , unless you sent it" Cordila said standing in front of him
                "Seriously, if I was going to kill you don't you think I would have just that thing suck you dry" Chase said stopped walking
             "Okay you have a point" Cordila said
        "Excatly, but if you really want to know I sensed it" Chase said
           "Sensed it? How?" Cordila asked confused

Before he could answer, Damon came up to us.
                    "Hey, Cordila. I'm not interrupting anything am I" Damon asked
               " Saved by the pretty boy, no you weren't" Chase said walking away quickly
             "Everything okay" Damon asked

I'm​ not sure what Chase wasn't telling me but whatever it was I was going to get to the bottom of it.
              "Yeah, what's up"  Cordila said
                "Well I was going to go into town today after lunch, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, it will be a great excuse for you to see more of this world" Damon said

Before I could answer Monica along with Hannah walked up to us.
          "Give who an excuse to see more of this world" Monica asked
         "Well I was just asking Cordila if she wanted to come into town with me" Damon said
          "That sounds like a great idea, I need to go into town myself, why don't we just make it a group thing, we can even invite Micah. I am sure he would love to see the town" Monica said

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