Chapter One

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"Ms.Young, are you paying attention" a man said
I was awoken by Mr. Stone standing over me with a scowl on his face. Already knowing the answer to obvious question waiting to see if I was going to tell him.
"Not really, Mr. Stone I was dreaming of being somewhere far away " Cordila said
The class snicked at my answer
"I know you don't want to admit it but you are going to use this in the real world" Mr. Stone said Walking back towards the board.
"You know that is what every teacher says about every boring class, and actually we aren't" Cordila said
"Excuse me, Ms. Young" Mr.Stone said
Everyone watched me and waited to see what I was going to say.
"We aren't going to use this once we leave these four walls, that is just what teachers say to get us to pay attention. Yes, we are going to need math, science, and history sometimes, everything else we aren't going to use it" Cordila said
Mr. Stone folded his arms and looked at me, everyone's eyes drifted from me to Mr.Stone to see what he what was going to say. With a deep breath in he looked around the classroom
"That's a dentention, Ms.Young" Mr. Stone said
"What" she exclaimed " for expressing​ my opinion" Cordila said
"No you interuped my class , something to think about in dentention" Mr. Stone said turning towards the board.

As Mr. Stone went back to teaching I looked outside and wondered what else is out there. There has to be more to this world then this.
Once class was over I went into the crowded hallway. As I made my way towards my locker I couldn't stop thinking about that dream , it felt so real I could actually feel that guys lips on mine, his hands on mine and his hand on my face.
The hallways were filled with people socializing with there friends. I had one true friend who moved away, we were so close at times I felt like she was the only one who understood me.
Both her and I never fit in anywhere and since she left, I have felt like a lone wolf.
" Watch where you're going freak" a male voice said
Out of the corner of my eye I saw these jocks picking on a kid, knocking the books out of his hands making them hit the floor. Before I knew it I walking towards them .
"Why don't you guys just leave him alone" Cordila said
"Stay out of this freak" the boy said
" "Freak"? Really is that the best your pea size brain could think of . Why don't you guys go pick on someone else your own size" Cordila said
One of the jocks got in my face trying to frighten me.
" You are so lucky we have to go and that I can't hit a girl" the guy said
"Oohhh i am shaking in my boots" Cordia said sarcastically
The jocks walked leaving the kid to pick up his fallen books.
"Most people would of walked away" the other boy said
"Those guys were jerks"
I bent down to help him pick up his books, I noticed that most of his books were animal and plant related.
"Here you go"Cordila said handing him his book
As I handed him his books our fingers brushed each other, creating a small shock . He had his hoodie up, covering up his face. All I could see were his deep brown eyes.
"Thanks" the boy said
With his books in hand he walked away quickly. I have seen him around school he always stays to himself, like me he is a lone wolf. I made my way to my locker inside were pictures of my dad and my best friend. As I got my books for my next class I had this strangest feeling that someone was watching me, I looked up and down the crowded hallway and i saw no one looking at me they were all in their own little world.
As I closed my locker , out of the corner of my eye I saw Pamela and Lauren Stone walking towards me.
"Pamela and Lauren what do I owe the displeasure of your visit" Cordila said
"Listen up, freak" Pamela said
" You are going to apologize to our dad" Lauren said
Pamela and Lauren Stone are Mr.Stones twin daughters. They are captain and co-captain of both the cheer squad and spirit squad, both are equally annoying. There are rumors that they have this unknown brother somewhere.
"Oh really and what if I don't"Cordila said leaning against her closed locker.
" We are going to make your life a living hell" Lauren said
" Too late for that, what else you got" Cordila asked
"No wonder your mom left you, if I had to be your mother I would leave too"Pamela said
"Yeah, no one wants a daughter whose a freak" Lauren said
" Apologize to our dad or else" Pamela said
With that being said they walked away. Hearing them talk about my mother leaving me, made my anger bowl like lava bubbling to the top. As I walked down he hall I wish that Pamela and Lauren would both get hurt nothing to serious just hurt enough to knock them down off there high horse, above me the lights began to flicker and my hands began to warm up. I looked at one of my hands, as it got hotter and hotter. Suddenly there was a loud crash and a loud screams of pain. Down the hall I saw Lauren and Pamela on the ground, one's leg was bent behind there back and the other one was screaming in pain
Mr.Stone came running down the hall to Pamela and Lauren.
             "Okay nothing to see here, get to class"a teacher said
Some of the teachers in the hall directed students to class, while another called for an ambulance.
All through class everyone talked about Pamela and Lauren's accident. I know it shouldn't feel guilty about them getting hurt, and just think of it as karma finally getting back to them , but I couldn't help, but feel at fault.
The moment class was over students rushed out of the class hopping to see Pamela and Lauren being loaded into the ambulance.

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