Chapter 6 - Nightmare

Start from the beginning


"NO" I screamed "PLEASE LET ME OUT" I screamed

"Let me out" I said quietly as tears streamed down my face and I curled up into a little ball in the corner. I scratched a little line into the wall next to the other 9. This was the 10th time he had put me in this room. Sometimes he only left me here for one night, sometimes it was a bit longer but never longer than two days so people didn't get suspicious. I was lonely, isolated and scared. That's where I got my fear of being alone.

I was shaken awake and quickly shot up to see Alec sitting on the edge of my bed

"Alec, what are you doing here?" I asked

"You were screaming 'let me out' and thrashing around in bed. I assumed you were having a nightmare so I woke you up" he said

"Clary are you okay?" He asked

I tried to keep it together but after that nightmare everything came flooding back and I burst into tears.

Alec quickly climbed into bed next to me and gently pulled me into his lap. He stroked my hair and rocked me gently as I cried into his shirt.

After a few minutes I calmed down and looked at Alec.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. At first I was hesitant but Alec seemed like someone I could trust so I nodded and slowly started to speak.

Alec POV

She looked up at me with bloodshot red eyes. I couldn't bare to see her hurting like this, I still didn't know who caused it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said.

She looked at me but then nodded and started talking.

"When I lived in Miami I met a guy called Sam. He seemed really sweet and after I while we started dating. He was so nice and took me on little romantic dates but as we started to go out more he became more harsh and often blamed me for things that went wrong even if I had nothing to do with them. Then one day I went to his house. His parents were still at work so it was just us and we started kissing. He tried to go further and pushed me onto his bed"

I could see the tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Clary you don't have to continue" I said seeing that this was making her upset

"No I need to tell someone" she said quickly wiping the tears away.

"So he pushed me on the bed but I stopped him and he looked really annoyed. Then he locked me in this little room in his house. It was really cold and hard like a prison with just a little toilet in the corner. No windows. So he locked me in for the whole night and came to get me in the morning. He said if I disobeyed him then he would lock me in for longer, but sometimes he just did it because he angry. The longest I ever stayed in their was two days because otherwise people would get suspicious. I was locked in there at least 10 times in the three years I dated him. He moved away for one summer and i cut all connections with him. But then he came back after the summer and started stalking me and stuff. I finally got scared and told my dad and Simon. Dad called the police but Sam had already left and they never found him. My dad decided to move me here just to make sure he didn't come back and Simon's mom got a job in New York so that he could move with here with me. Simon's like another brother to me and he is the only one who knows what happened so he can protect me. Although I did secretly do karate without Sam finding out so I didn't have to rely on other people protecting me. So I could fight alone" she said

"Wow" I said as I leaned in closer and kissed her gently.

"Clary I'm so sorry you had to go through all that by yourself, but just so you know I will never hurt you or force you to do anything "

She gave me a sad smile.

"Can you stay here tonight? I usually don't have nightmares if I sleep next to someone" She said

"Of course" I replied as we both snuggled under her covers. I lay on the bed as she rested her head on my chest and moved closer falling asleep. I played with a lock of her hair as she slept and i looked down at her. How could you ever hurt someone so beautiful and kind i thought. She might have looked badass on the outside but I could tell inside Clary was very vulnerable and I would have to earn her trust. It might take time but she was worth waiting for. I protectively wrapped my arms around her and she went slightly stiff but I felt her relax into my embrace after a couple of seconds and I drifted off to sleep.

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