Chapter One

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A/N: I'll accept requests if anybody wants another xReader. Just PM me and I'll respond. Please vote, leave a NICE comment, and follow. Thanks! :)


Third Person's Point of View


"Hey! You there, no running, please!" (Y/N) called out to the tiny Hufflepuff Second Year. The girl looked at him, face flushed with embarrassment. She turned and continued walking in a much slower speed.

(Y/N) walked away, watching the crowded hall, making sure the students were behaving. Feeling tired from Quidditch practice and monitoring the students as a prefect, he headed back to his dormitory before realizing he forgot to finish writing his Care of Magical Creatures essay on griffins. Sighing, he decided to go to the library instead.

He picked up his pace a little and suddenly heard voices around the corner.

A familiar drawling voice said, "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!" (Y/N) tensed up, not liking how the student was using the uglier term for Muggle-born wizards and witches.

"And neither did I ask for yours, Malfoy!" Another voice, tone angry, shot back.

The two voices continued to bicker against each other, causing a headache to (Y/N). He finally had enough, he quietly and steadily stepped toward the large group in the hallway.

He cleared his throat loudly, causing all heads, except the arguers, to turn toward him. (Y/N) noticed most of them were Slytherins. They all nodded at him in acknowledgement and parted a path for him that led to two Fourth Years, a Gryffindor girl with long bushy brown hair and a Slytherin boy with platinum blonde hair and a pale, pointed face. They didn't seem to be aware at all, as they are too busy getting at each others' throats.

"What's going on?" (Y/N) asked quietly.

The two turned to face him. The boy, ((Y/N) immediately recognize him as Draco Malfoy)smiled pompously and sneered at his rival, "Looks like you've got quite a big problem in your hands now, Granger!" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him questionably but Malfoy didn't seem to notice it. "(Y/N), sir, Granger here was harassing me with such an outrageous attitude. I do hope you will take off points off her lousy House." He gave the seething girl a smug look.

"You! You foul, loathsome, little cockroach!" The girl, ((Y/N) assumed was the book-smart Hermione Granger he always heard about)glowered, face red.

(Y/N) stared at her thoughtfully, before saying patiently, "Miss. Granger please calm down."

Hermione glared at him steamily, "I suggest you to tell your friends how to treat others like human beings instead, Mr. Prefect." (Y/N) winced at the comment, trying to hide the hurt in his eyes.

"Oh, shut it, Mudblood. Don't your dare talk to (Y/N) like that!" spat Pansy Parkinson, another Slytherin Fourth Year. She batted her eyelashes at (Y/N), flirting. (Y/N) ignored her and Hermione rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Very well... I see how it is then," (Y/N) said coolly. "Twenty points from Slytherin." This caused a huge gasp from everyone around him. Almost every student in Hogwarts knew how unfair and awful Slytherins are, especially the prefects and Head Boy and Girl, who constantly bullies other Houses for fun.

Hermione looked stunned and Pansy shrieked, "You can't do that, (Y/N)! I can't believe-"

"I don't care nor do I give a crap about it!" (Y/N) snapped. Pansy fumed and looked away. But Malfoy stood silent, his jaw dropped in shock and disbelief.

"Go along now, off to your dormitories," (Y/N) shooed the rest of the students away, all of them muttering among themselves, trying to make sense of what happened. "Miss. Granger, follow me, please." He reached out to offer to carry her bag. She hesitated for a moment and glanced at the handsome, smiling Slytherin prefect and Quidditch captain and blushed a little.

(Y/N) noticed some of the Slytherins still remained, looking completely shocked. Malfoy sputtered, "W-what? (Y/N), I'm telling Father! This is absolutely unbelievable! You're a disgrace to the Slytherins!"

"Shut your trap, Malfoy! I don't give a damn about your father!" (Y/N) snarled, giving the younger boy a dark look. Malfoy whimpered and backed away, afraid of (Y/N)'s rising temper. The rest of his House members shifted nervously on their feet, but they too, were too terrified to protest.

(Y/N) sighed and started walking away, making sure Hermione was right behind him. When they were out of the others' earshot, he apologized and promised to make up for it. Hermione tried to tell him that there was no need to do so and it wasn't his fault either, but (Y/N) insisted on returning the favor.

When they reached the Gryffindor portrait, the Fat Lady eyed the Slytherin with interest but didn't say anything. The two said their good-byes and returned to their common rooms for the day.


A/N: Wow! Done with chapter one, hope you all enjoyed it! I'll be writing chapter two soon and I'll be done by the weekend! :)

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