"Niall..." I smiled "What?"  "How about we just go with each other? Like friends or something!" I thought about it and smiled "yeah sure!"

Zayn said "really?" I nodded but then I thought "What would the boys say?" Zayn shrugged "We'll just explain" I nodded "alright"

As I got home, I quickly asked if Erik has a suit I can borrow since that I thought that I won't go, I didn't bother to buy any. Thankfully he had.

Zayn picked me up. I rolled my eyes. I can't believe I'm suppose to be the "girl" for this friend date thingy.

Zayn just kept chuckling the whole time. Anyways, back to the current situation. Everyone was still baffled about Zayn taking me as his "date" so I coughed a little and said "I'm gonna go do my thing now" and we that, I ran off towards the food.

I can hear everyone laughing behind me. 

I walked towards the tables and wow. I felt like I was in heaven. From chicken to bacon to yummy desserts.

I grabbed a plate and started putting everything on it. I heard my very own cousin Darren chuckled. "Calm down Niall" he was with Ariana. I rolled my eyes "I'm hungry okay! And this is just pure heaven"

Ariana giggled. She looked extra hot. And no I am not hitting on her but she was wearing a cute red dress that goes well with her red hair. You'd seriously think she was on fire.

I smiled at both of them "You two certainly look amazing" Darren just smirked and Ariana said "Thank you!"

I heard someone whisper "hey babe" I turned around and rolled my eyes. Zayn was laughing. Darren looked at both of us "holy crap Niall. No wonder you never had a girl friend!"

I said "Whatever Darren! I am not gay! It's a friend thing okay?" I looked at Zayn "stop messing around!" Zayn looked hurt "you're ashamed of me?"

I sighed and said "of course not!" I did my puppy face at him. Zayn rolled his eyes and said "fine. I forgive you" Darren rolled his eyes "seriously Niall?"

I stuck my tongue out. The music started playing. It was some pop song. I smiled "wanna dance?" Zayn said "I don't dance" I said "come on!"

I dragged him to the dance floor and started doing my signature leprechaun dance. Zayn was chuckling. I said "come on! Do it with me!"

Zayn shhok his head "Nah. I'm not Irish" I pouted but this time it didn't work. Suddenly, the music turned slow. 

I grabbed Zayn's hand "come on let's dance!" Zayn shook his head again. "Come on Zayn! I'm the "girl" here. Be a man!" Zayn chuckled then sighed "fine!"

I clapped my hands. We danced together in the middle of the dance floor. A few murmurs here and there but I ignored them all. Jealous people. 

I saw Louis walk to us with Eleanor. Louis smirked "You guys seriously look like a couple. Just be gay and get married please?" I rolled my eyes. Zayn just chuckled. 

Harry was dancing with a girl I never saw before. She looked older than him. A lot of the girls were glaring at her. 

Liam and Danielle were dancing really close to each other. Aww. They all look so happy. I looked back at Zayn. He kept stepping on my foot but I tried to ignore it.

After a while, we sat down. I said "I'm gonna grab some food. Want some?" Zayn chuckled "sure"

I got almost everything and I got a chocolate cupcake for Zayn. I went back to him "here you go" Zayn rolled his eyes "gee. Thanks a lot"

The Principal walked to the stage "You have 30 more minutes to vote for your prom king and queen" this is so cool. Like those in movies.

I looked at Zayn "come on. Let's vote" Zayn nodded.

I voted for Liam and Danielle. Zayn did the same. I smiled "I really hope they win. Or any of us"

We bumped into Liz and her Canadian date, Avan. She just simply nodded at us and gave us a playful punch  on the shoulder.  Which kind of hurts.

After a while, Liam, Louis and Harry, along with their dates joined us on one table. 

The Principal said "So the winner for Prom King and Queen, a.k.a best couple are..."

Liam and Danielle held hands. Harry put his arms around his date's shoulders. Louis smiled at Eleanor.

"....Zayn Malik and Niall Horan!" WHAT?


I looked at Zayn and he shrugged. The Principal said "come on now you two" Liam looked at me and signaled me to go there. I sighed.

We walked towards the stage. Everyone started clapping. This is seriously a joke. But it's not. Zayn and I got 210 votes. Wow.

The Principal put a crown on my head as well as Zayn. I blushed. This is so embarrassing.

As soon as we got off the stage. Everyone congratualted us. It wasn't so bad. 

When it finally reached midnight. Zayn drove me home. We kept laughing about the prom king and queen incident.

Auntie said "Oh Niall. How was prom?" I shrugged "it was alright" "Ooooh. You have a crown! Did you win prom king?"

I shrugged "something like that" but I couldn't help but smile at myself.



ZIALL. -->>>

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