chapter 10 Bottle of Rum

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chapter 10 Bottle of Rum

Max's POV

"Hey Dad" i lean against the open doorway, loosening my tie. Looking up from tending to His garden a proud grin lifts upon his face.

"Your looking quite spiffy" he chuckles. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and takes off his gardening hat.

"Back at ya" I retaliate. "If only your business investors could see you now, the epidimy of class." He chuckles along with me, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Glad to see this new job hasn't kicked your sense of humor. Speaking of 'business investors' how'd it go?" Dad asked.

"I like it" I admit. He pats my shoulder and walks into the kitchen. I walk in behind him. He wordlessly hands me a beer. I pop the cap off and take a sip. Pushing my bedroom door open I set the beer on my nightstand and fling myself into bed. I bounce into the soft, fluffy material then let out a big sigh. My phone vibrates. I groan, retrieving it from my pocket.


"Hello Max"

The air gets caught in my throat, squeezing tightly.




My jaw clenches before releasing a deep breath. No. Not again. Not today.

My world flips as I fall off the bed with a hard thump. Slumping against the mattresses, my eyes roam to the nightstand. I grab the bottle and finish it in a total of 3 gulps, the bottle rolls across from me hitting the wall. I don't know how long I sat there on the floor before the car keys were in my hand and I was on my way out the door. I pulled up to the store staring bleakly at the neon sign hanging in the window. I grabbed a cart and roamed, filling it to the brink of toppling over. The cashier ran my items through with a questioning look.

"Birthday party" I lied.

Once I was sitting in the car with all my bags my eyes landed on the familiar neon sign 'Alcohol 10% off this week only!' I stared at the window as I pulled out a bottle of rum. The next hour consisted of a downward spiral, my seat leaned back as I cling to my near empty bottle, the soft rumbling of the radio in the background. My hand clumsily reaches for another as I finish the last swig, bottles bumping as I go. I untwist the cap in a daze mindlessly pouring some into my mouth "-Fuck!" I snap, the tapping on my window pulling me out of it. I put the cap back on and wipe away the bit I spilled, as the guy peered into the window holding something shiny in his hand. I unrolled it to the bottom and he stuck his head inside "I think you forget something."

"What?" I mumbled.

In an instant my watch was sitting in my hand, the clasp broken. Must of fell off in the store. I looked back at the guy, more closely this time, this guy... He's... The cashier! I knew I recognized him.


"No problem" he says, slowly.

I take hold of the steering wheel and take the car out of park, but just as I'm ready to go, a hand reaches across and puts it back into PARK. I look over at him through the open window.

"I don't think that's a good idea" he stated.

I go to try again but that's when I realized my keys were missing. I looked up at him, his name tag catching my eye. Dan.

"Move over, your in no shape to drive" Dan insists.

I shake my head "I-Im fffiiinnneee" I slur.

He lifts me up like I weigh nothing, setting me down in the passenger seat as I mumbled, my head dipping to the side. I closed my eyes. The engine purred to life making some of the bags clink together. I held the bottle tightly as a hand tried to pry it from my grip, eventually my hands slipped away from the bottle, by that point I was too tired to care. I let myself fall into a trace like state close to sleep as the car bumped down the road, sleepily mumbling directions to Dan.

The car came to a stop.

"Do you need help?"

"N-Naw iiiimmmm good" I wave him off.

I shakily open the door and enter the house with a quick glance back at Dan, I smile. The door closes. The stairs look to be too large of a feat to conquer tonight, so I wander my way to the guest room. The world goes black as one more thought enters my mind 'how did this happen?'

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