Chapter 8 Seer

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Chapter 8 Seer

Max's POV

I ran my hands over the soft furry blanket as I wrenched my eyes open. The trickle of rain didn't go unnoticed by my ears, as my eyes adjusted to the dark. Looking down I see four different coloured wolfs surrounding me and laying on my lap like a protective blanket. All of them fast asleep. I can't help but smile.

I'm still pissed at them, they are my mates though. I'll enjoy this moment while it lasts, and give them hell when they wake up.

The wolf with black fur kicked around on his side for a few minutes before his eyes popped open. Shifting back to human form, his eyes looked into mine pleadingly. "Max..." He starts. "Will you let me explain?" I sigh and lean my shoulder against his. "Explain." We stare out at the dripping forest beyond the cave. "None us knew we had the same mate until she showed up. Our packs were having a meeting to discuss when the next get together of the packs should be when... An unknown women covered head to toe in a blue cloak walked into the room. She showed us a vision of the future, then disappeared, not so much as uttering a single word."

"In this vision what did you see?" I ask.

"We all had a different one. Reese's was of all of us and our children, Luke's was of the day we first met you, Jeramy's was of our first full moon together, and mine was  of..." Dexz paused, unsure of the words he was about to say to his mate. Max soothingly nuzzled his face into Dexz neck, and motioned for him to continue.

."...Your death."

Max tensed.

"-but we know how to stop it now, because we know when it's coming" Dexz cut in. I nodded In a daze. Then my brain kicked in once more. "Did you ever get a chance to tell her?" I question. "Tell who, what?" Dexz mumbled in confusion. "To tell the lady thank you" I replied.

Dexz smiled sadly "oh baby you have such a big heart." He pulled me into an awkward hug. "I will never be able to repay her kindness" he whispered. "I believe she was a seer, and when a seer tells anybody about anything they see in the future, ten years are taken off their life. I believe the reason she disappeared is because she didn't have a choice."

I closed my eyes tightly "she died so you could save me."

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