'Aj! Aj! Are you okay?' I tapped his cheeks. No response! I tried to place my ears on his chest to feel his heartbeats, but before I could do that, I was rolled over, Aj smirking on top of me.

'Ha! Ha! Tricked you lass! Now, you're trapped.' he said looking at my pitiable state.

'I bloody hate you Styles!' I murmured, trying to get up, but his grip strengthened and he won't let me. 'Let me go.' I said trying to kick his gut but, alas! missed it. That's when I realized that we were now much closer than our  comfort zone. He almost pinned me to the bed and was looking like a hungry lion trapping his prey. My eyes fell on his light brown ones. I've never noticed how clear they were. He had trimmed beards and  his locks fell on his eyes, making them look ...Phenomenal...I didn't realize that I've closed up the gap more and now faces were inches apart. What the heck am I doing? Suddenly I fell a pressure released as Aj pushed me down, and moved away. I don't know why but I felt missing.

He got up from the bed as an awkward silence passed by.

'Well! Just for today, I am gonna take the couch. Mind that tomorrow.' He said picking up a pillow and ending the air of awkwardness. How come he's so sober all of a sudden!

Before the train of my thoughts ended, he went up to the couch. A message from Charlotte ended them though. Before I could open the message,

'Becky!'...I heard Aj call. I looked towards him, pulling his covers, 'Happy Birthday! Good night' he ended with a gentle smile on his lips. Wow! It's 12 and I can't believe that Aj Styles is the first to wish me.

I opened the message from Charlotte.

Charlotte: Happy Birthday Becks! sorry, I couldn't call. I'm with dad in the hospital. Enjoy your special day, girl.


The alarm broke my slumber for the third time now. But, it's my birthday and it's my right.

I noticed Aj still sleeping on the couch, his covers rested on the floor. Such a bad sleeper! 

I went near him and out of my mischievousness took his hand and bit his baby finger. Haha! I often do that to Charlotte.

'Ouch!' he exclaimed.' What was that?' he looked at his finger in disbelief. I chuckled. Nothing Mr. Couchie, just thought that you've had enough sleep for today. I laughed again.

'Hmm...playing with me lass! I'll see you.' he said playfully.

'O...and what are you gonna do about it?' I asked pouting. 'Fake that I bit you to death?'

Aj chuckled at that. 'May be..may be I could actually tell that you bit me and you are a vampire..'

I waved my hand at his humor. 'Anything better?' I taunted.

'Yes! may be I could tell them that you were drunk last night and attempted to kill me with a load of punches on my chest..or I could even tell that we....you and I..' he pointed towards us '..had a one night stand!' he winked at me.

My eyes seemed to bulge out of the sockets by his statement. The heat on my cheeks were burning me alive. How could he even think of something like this?

'...now I got to get a shower, if you don't mind.' Aj pushed me lightly and entered the bathroom.

What if he does say this to others!

Phenomenal ComplicationsWhere stories live. Discover now