" no, your imagining " jimin gave a fake smile

" hyung.. what are yo- " jungkook stopped talking when he saw shocked hoseok.

" ah.. mm.. " jungkook felt anxious and confused on how to act not sure who the guy standing in front of him.

" jimin who is that?! " hoseok asked excitedly while checking jungkook out.

" my.. student? " jimin rubbed his head in confusion.

" student? Sleeping here? You're sure his not one of your fuc- " jimin covered hoseok mouth.

" you know i stopped doing that! So shut up " jimin whispered to hoseok in fear that jungkook may hear.

" ok ok so really is he your student? "
hoseok asked as he eyed jungkook muscular body.

" i am.. but we kinda became friends because one of my friends really liked him.. which i wonder why? He isn't that interesting but yeah " jungkook blurted out.

" says the one who memorized my house pin code "
Jimin glared at jungkook with a pout.

" i am just smart to remember it not because i like you or anything! " jungkook almost shouted.

Hoseok was lost between both so he ignored them.
" smart? Smart my ass. " jimin scoffed.

" your ass? It's not smart just big for a guy "
Jungkook said as he slapped it gently.

Jimin blushed as he ran back to his room while hoseok laughed hard.

" you know that his complex "
hoseok said between laughs.

" shouldn't being short be his complex? "
Jungkook asked confused.

" you know he may cry if you keep teasing him about all of that " hoseok said after his laughter increased.

" well, his not normal so i won't be surprised when he does that " jungkook sighed before sitting down.

" yeah.. so what's your name? " hoseok asked.

" jeon jungkook, you? " the younger said as he looked at hoseok curiously.

" jung hoseok but you can call me jhope "
hoseok winked at jungkook.

" why jhope? " jungkook asked curiously.

" cause i am your hope " hoseok got excited while acting cute and annoyingly loud.

" what hope? Can't see that in you "
Jungkook said with a smirk making hoseok gasp.

" where did jimin find you? He should throw you back from where he got you " hoseok said in disbelief.

" he won't handle a day without me. "
jungkook winked playfully.

" do you like him? " hoseok blurted out.

" so? "
hoseok asked as he noticed jungkook red cheeks.

" i don't, his my teacher and a friend that's all "
Jungkook scratched the nape of his neck.

Hoseok smirked " then it's ok if I introduce him to someone right? "

Jungkook face turned serious " why? "

" well he has been single forever, so he must be lonely " Hoseok smiled as he glanced at jimin bedroom door.

" his not.. he has me " jungkook mumbled but it didn't go unnoticed by hoseok.

" so you do like him! " hoseok laughed.

" fuck!.. i don't know ok? All i know i just want to see him and spend time with him. "

" stubborn kids, you're just in denial "
hoseok smirked

" i am not! i am just not sure if I actually like him. "
Jungkook sighed.

" i can help you figure it out " hoseok smiled

" but i am younger- " hoseok interrupted him.
" he doesn't care about this stuff "

" mm ok.. "
jungkook looked a bit confused but nodded.

" you're top right? "
hoseok asked making jungkook choke on his saliva.

" what do you think? " jungkook raised an eyebrow.

" believe me once you try fu- " jimin hit hoseok head making him bite his tongue.

" yah! Stop teaching him bad things hyung. "
Jimin glared at hoseok before looking at jungkook.
" and you! Don't listen to him "

Jungkook laughed before nodding knowing that jimin doesn't even know what or who they were talking about.

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