Chapter 24: Eliminations

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**A/N: Hey all! Quick announcement to clear up a few things. 1)This chapter is a bit short, but I wanted to get this out there and this was a good stopping point. 2) Updates for this and all my other fics will be slow going for a bit; I have other things going on in my life lol. 3) Those other things include writing a book that will be published, so please bare with me. 4)I don't want to put my stories on hold, so I've decided that for every chapter I finish of my original, I'll update 2 fics. The order will be, Twisted & Life Without Them, Street Racer & Rhythm & Grudges, and finally Academy Underground & Secrets Revealed. As you can see, there are a lot of current fics in the works, but they can't be my sole priority anymore, and I hope you understand and keep reading. Anywho, I'm done babbling. Enjoy**  


Dr. Phil: Team 1 has been eliminated.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim. "Luke's team just got nixed!"

"Keep your voice down!" Raven hisses. "Do you want them to find us?"

"Well we need to keep track of who's still in this," I whisper harshly. "Or would you rather just go around blindly shooting people?"

"Yes," he responds. "Now shush!"

"Both of you need to keep quiet," Owen grumbles. "The game just started not ten minutes ago. Isn't anyone wondering how a whole team has already been eliminated?"

Holy shit. I didn't even think of that.

We are hiding out in Brandon's apartment, planning our first moves, but this new development changes things a bit. If one of the teams is already out, that means that someone really wants to win, and they're out for blood. Now we just need to figure out which team it is.

"Burunduk," Raven grunts.


"Burunduk. Chipmunk."

"What the fuck does a chipmunk have to do with the first team getting eliminated?"

Raven glares at me over his shoulder, but before he can reply, Owen beats him to it.

"I think, what Raven is trying to say, is that it was Sang. Chipmunk is your nickname for her, correct?"


"Holy shit. Sang took out their whole team?"

"Not whole team," Raven responds. "Munchkins help. Now shush. I hear foot squeaks."

"You mean footsteps?"

"No, squeaks, now shush."

Before I can say anything else, four darts are shot into the wall behind my head in rapid succession.

Shit! Good thing we're behind the couch.

Owen peaks out from his side, but silently relays that he sees nothing. I huff quietly and bite the bullet, so to speak, lifting my head over the top of the couch.

"Ouch!" I groan, ducking back down.

I didn't even have time to check the room before a dart smacked me in my forehead. It's a good thing they need to hit the breastplates for us to be out.

"You should just come out now, Gabriel," Brandon taunts. "We have you surrounded."

I look over to Raven to grump about his teammates goading, but he's no longer there. My head whips back to Owen to find him missing as well.

What the hell!? How could they just up and vanish like that!? What the fuck! Are they suddenly magicians when it's time to play nerf wars!? How the fuck could they just leave me like this!?

Ok Gabe, be cool. You can do this.

I pop up from behind the couch with my gun drawn like some badass in a mobster movie.

"You'll never take me alive!" I scream, shooting plastic bullets all over the room.

My gun makes an audible click once it's emptied, and my eyes widen as Brandon and Axel pop out of their hidden positions from the dining room.

How the hell did they get there?

I can't think too long on it as they start to open fire. I drop back behind the couch to hurry up and reload my gun. More gunfire is heard before muttered groans and curses are heard from the opposition. I risk a glance around the couch and see that both of their breastplates are lit up and they're looking towards the kitchen where Raven and Owen reveal themselves.

What the fuck!? How the fuck did they get over there?

I stand in confusion and notice Sean too late as he pops out of one of the bedrooms and aims at my chest. My plate goes off as the dart hits his target and I'm out.

"Oh come on! What the fuck!? How the hell did you guys do that!?"

"Trap doors!" Sean exclaims as he comes out of the hallway, not knowing that Owen and Raven are waiting for him. As soon as he steps around the corner, they take aim, and quickly take him out.

"Aww, come on!" he pouts. "No fair!"

"Where the fuck are these trap doors!" I scream. "And why the hell didn't you tell me about them?"

"Bait," Raven shrugs.

Our phones buzz as everyone steps out into the center of the living room.

Dr. Phil: Team 2 has been eliminated.

"So who does that leave left?" Sean asks.


Childlike laughter is all the notification we get before the twins pop out from the hallway Sean had just occupied and shoot at Raven and Owen. They're so unprepared for the attack, that they try to shield themselves too late and are soon out along with the rest of us.

"Hahahaha!" they cackle evilly before running back down the hallway.

"What!? Where the fuck did they come from!?"

"Trap doors!"

Dr. Phil: Team 4 has been eliminated.


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