Chapter 4: Keep Cool Sang

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(Sang's Apartment)

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(Sang's Apartment)


A loud knock at my door rouses me from my sleep. Groaning, while rolling out of my bed, I think that whoever this is better have a damn good reason for waking me up, and possibly waking up the twins. I'm rubbing the sleep from my eyes while keeping them closed as I open my front door; the smell of salt water greets me, letting me know that it's Axel who's about to be condemned.

"There better be a damn good reason you're waking me up, Axel," I mumble, still rubbing my eyes.

"Pookie?" I hear a familiar voice say to my left.

My whole body freezes at the nickname I used to respond to.

What the hell is this?

"Axel? Is this some kind of sick joke?" I ask through gritted teeth, eyes still firmly shut.

"It's not a joke, Sang. Open your eyes," I hear him tell me.




Each word was like a vice grip on my heart, just getting tighter and tighter. My breathing becomes shallow and I squeeze my eyes tighter. They're not real, they can't be real.

"Axel, what kind of game are you playing at?" I manage to say through the aching in my chest.

"It's not a game, Sang. Open your eyes," I hear Marc's voice tell me.

"No!" I grit out, trying to get my breathing under control.




"Axel, this isn't funny! Stop it!." I squeeze my eyes tighter, my hands forming into fists.


"Axel, just stop it now and I won't have Raven beat your ass."

"Shit, Trouble just cursed."

"Axel, make it stop." My breathing becomes more shallow by the second, my heart hammers away in my chest, making sure I feel every beat. My chest feels tight from the lack of oxygen being circulated in my body. I squeeze my eyes even tighter, make my fists tight enough for my nails to draw blood.

Anything to stop this nightmare.

"Brandon, Corey," Axel calls out.

I feel the air shift multiple times, before I smell the twins before me. Brandon smells like motor oil and musk, Corey, like fresh linens and baby powder.

They'll help me through this, they always do.

"Hey sweetie. It's just you, me, and Corey, ok? I need you to breathe for me, Sang. Take a deep breath," I hear Brandon instruct, while Corey uncurls my hands.

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