Chapter 15: He Strikes

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The next few weeks ware pretty calm. Well, as calm as life with two rambunctious kids, nine overly apologetic baby daddies, five overprotective older brothers, and a scary, loving, protective surrogate father can get. Phil decided to stay until we solved this whole Volto mess. Him and the boys have now been with us for almost a month.

Nathan is doing everything imaginable to earn the kid's and my forgiveness, his brothers decided to forgive him after hearing about the beating the others gave him. Him and the rest of the guys spend every moment they're not tracking Volto, with the twins. They really are doing all they can to earn their titles as dads.

Morgan and Luke have made up their own language that even Cole doesn't understand. Kota and North have been teaching Cole about the stars. Silas teaches them both about all of the Greek myths and legends. These are just a few of the ways that the guys have been bonding with the twins, because honestly, if I had to list them all, I'd probably be writing all day, and as a mother, that couldn't make me happier.

Right now, Silas and I are at the park with the twins. Along with the guys forming a bond with the kids, they've also been making an effort to get to know the new me, both as a unit, and individually. And let's face it, because we're parents with busy lives, our times together usually include the kids. Although, from time to time, one of the others will watch the twins to give their brother some time alone with me. It hasn't gone beyond hugs and some hand holding. I don't think any of us are ready for anything more intimate.

Silas is telling me one of his jokes when I notice that the twins have moved from their spot by the jungle gym.

"Silas, where are the twins?" I ask in a slight panic as I scan the playground.

"They are right-"


He's stopped by Morgan's ear piercing wail. We both jump off the bench and turn in the direction of her scream. There's a man running away from a balloon cart where both the twins are now screaming their heads off.

We race over to them and pick them up, where they immediately stop screaming, but Cole has tears streaming down his face.

I frantically start asking questions.

"Are you ok? What happened? Did he hurt you?"

"We're ok, Mommy, he didn't hurt us. We did what you said," Morgan says from my arms.

Morgan's referring to our stranger danger deal. Whenever someone comes around them and they don't feel comfortable, they're to scream until myself or one of the guys comes to them. My children have amazing instincts, we've made sure of it.

"You did great love," I tell her. "What did he want? What happened?"

"Aggele," Silas calls for my attention.

I look to him and Cole as he picks something up from the ground. My face blanches at the white mask in his hand and the murderous look in his eyes.

"He said he wanted to hurt you," Morgan says in a small voice. "He said his name was Volto. His voice was all weird and deep. Who is he, Mommy?"

"He's a very bad man, asteráki (little star). Aggele, we should go."

The restrained anger in his voice snaps me out of it, and we rush to the car. I start to freak out after we've strapped the kids in and are driving back home.

"He came after our kids, Silas. Our kids!"

"Aggele, I know. Please, just don't worry. We'll get him."

Life Without Them (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz