Chapter 9: Game Time

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He just licked me! Gabriel Joseph Coleman, just fucking licked me!

It was the most random, Gabriel thing he could've possibly done, and he actually did it! No hesitation, no beating around the bush, just like he would've done five years ago. Only Gabriel could ever get away with something like that.

Let's just say that I'm probably more physically inclined to react positively to the biological fathers of my children. Lord only knows what would've happened if Victor started playing Vivaldi, probably much less that if he started playing on my ribs like he used to. I'd be a puddle on the floor if that happened.

Now that my outrageous giggle fit is over, and Sean thankfully didn't offer the cure, I'm able to think a little clearer.

Axel pulls me into his side and whispers, "There's my Sunshine. Where've you been hiding?"

"At l the bottom of a lake," I mumble.

"Ha, not anymore, ok?"

"Yeah, ok."

I pull my gaze up from the spot on the floor to see everyone looking at our interaction. Some stares are not as hostile as before, but still equally possessive.


Now that they're all together, and I'm not avoiding looking at them, I notice a lot more changes in the rest of the boys. Owen is dressed as casually as I've ever seen him, even when we lived together. He's wearing a grey t-shirt, with grey sweatpants, he's barefoot with no glasses, and messy bedhead that still manages to make him look hot.

Sean's normal happy smile is in place, but it looks a bit strained. There are bags under his eyes, and his hair has grown to where Luke's used to be.

Nathan's blue eyes look even more serious that they used to, if that's possible. He's cut his hair shorter as well, like a military cut.

Silas has more definition to his arms like North, and has let his hair grow out to where it almost reaches his shoulders.

Victor's fire eyes are subdued, like the flames been doused in freezing cold water; he looks almost...numb, but not quite there yet. His wavy hair is a bit shorter that I remember it being.

Now that Luke and North are facing me, I can see the rest of the differences in them as well. North has his hair cut similarly to Nathan's but a little like Raven's where the front kinda sticks up without the assistance of gel. He has slight bags under his eyes as well, and the regular gold hoop that used to adorn his ear, is now gone. In it's place is a simple silver S.

The long strands at the front of Luke's head frame his milk chocolate eyes which have lost their touch of mischief. His body, lean and strong like Kota's.

All in all, they're still drop dead gorgeous, but then again I might be biased. My men have always been handsome.

Not yours, they left.

Ok, yes, they left, but now I know why. And I know it's not my fault, so excuse me if I swoon a little bit. I may be adamant about not falling back into old habits so easily, but that doesn't mean they aren't making it difficult for me.

Rolling my eyes at myself, I look down and see that I'm still in my pajamas.

Good thing everything is covered.

"Ok, now that we've all had a good laugh, I'm gonna go change. And then we can discuss what's going to be done about this asshat."

"Oh, Trouble-"

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