Chapter 18: Assurances

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Somehow it doesn't surprise me when North comes into the kitchen after Luke leaves. Sometimes I wish that thing had an actual door that I could lock whenever I just wanted to be left alone. Of course I can never really be left alone. I have the twins to think about. Even with the guys helping out, I'm their mom. I always need to be available. I always need to be 'on', so to speak. Never let em see ya sweat, right?

Ugh, I think I need to go to the range soon. All this built up tension is going to make me go crazy soon enough.

"So you are you gonna keep slapping sandwiches together, or are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?" North's voice breaks the silence.

"Pretty sure I'm gonna keep slapping sandwiches together," I grit out. "But thanks for checking."


"North, I have a knife in my hand." I stop chopping up the lettuce and swing in his direction, pointing with the knife. "Please don't push me right now."

"You think I give a damn about this knife?" he asks aggressively, stalking up to me. "You wanna cut me? Go ahead." He takes my wrist in his right hand and pulls the knife to his chest, right over where his heart would be, right where his tattoo is. "Number one rule of threatening someone is follow through Baby. Now why don't you put the knife down so we can talk like adults?"

"Fuck you, North," I say aggressively.

He can't just walk in here and start making demands. Treating me like I'm some fucking child. Who does he think he is!?

"Man do I want you to," he smirks. "But that's not what I'm here for right now."

"Then what are you here for?"

I take a step back from him, needing to get away from his light musk that still manages to turn me on. I place the knife down on the island and lean against the opposite counter, crossing my arms with a glare aimed at him.

He takes a step closer to me, not letting me get away as he answers. "I'm here to make sure you're ok."

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Luke. It's Kota's dad we're after, why aren't you asking him?"

"Kota's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

"And what?" I ask with narrowed eyes. "You think I can't? Newsflash North, I've been doing it long enough."

I'm two seconds away from adding, thanks to you, but decide against it. I don't need to keep reminding them that they left. They already know what they did to me, and I'm tired of bringing it up. But the ever perceptive North catches my unspoken words, his eyes softening as he takes another step closer to me.

"Sang Baby, I will apologize for leaving you until I'm blue in the face, but the only way I can make you believe that is by showing you. So that's what I'm doing, and that's what I will continue to do until I'm old, and grey, and probably sagging in places that I'd rather not be sagging in, and I'm going to keep doing it until I'm six feet under. And you know what, Baby? If you're not in that grave with me, my ghost will continue to follow you, making sure you're not living up to your nickname and getting yourself into even more trouble at your old age. Because I love you, Sang, and that is what you do when you are madly in love with someone. You forget about your own well being, and you do whatever the hell it takes, to make sure that they're safe, and that they're ok. So I'm going to ask you one more time. Are. You. Ok?"'

What the hell is it with these boys suddenly growing a goddamned backbone?

Don't look at me like that. Yes, I know it's what I wanted. But I didn't think they'd all be doing it in the same damn day, turning my insides to mush and getting my girly parts all tingly. That's probably why I drop all pretenses and jump him like he's the last piece of meat on earth.

My sudden movement takes him by surprise, but he quickly rights himself, grabbing onto my ass while my legs have his waist in a vice grip. He pushes us back into the counter, groaning into my mouth while my tongue lashes out against his. My hands find purchase in his short strands and I give a little tug, upset that I can't run my fingers through them the way I used to. I'm grinding my pelvis into him as our mouths fight for dominance.

We're nothing but a mash of teeth, lips and tongue, moans and groans, until someone clears their throat. North pulls away long enough to growl at whoever dared to interrupt us before diving back to my lips with fever. He's pulling me into him, like he wants us to become one, when the person decides to speak.

"Brother," Silas' deep voice intones. "This is important."

North growls again, ripping his lips away from me, but not letting me go. Looking over his shoulder, he grunts.

"What is it?"

"Corey and Victor, they've found something."

North grunts again, leaning his forehead against mine as I catch my breath. "Fine, give us a minute."

North sighs as Silas walks away. I unhook my legs from behind his back, lowering myself back down to the floor, and making sure every piece of me hits North on the way down. He groans again with his eyes pinched shut, moving his hands up from my ass with a gentle squeeze.

"You about done with those sandwiches?" he asks, his voice rougher than usual.

"Yeah," I reply, my voice low and laced with desire.

I can only imagine how I look right now. My lips feel plump and sore, all my nerve endings standing on end.

North takes a step back and lets me go, failing to be discreet about adjusting his...situation. I clear my throat, heat blossoming on my cheeks before I go back to the island and finish up the sandwiches for the kids.

I'm about to take their plates out of the kitchen when North's voice stops me.

"I meant what I said, Baby, I'm here for you, for anything."

"I know, North Star," I reply without looking back. "I know."


I had to take a breather before following Sang Baby out of the kitchen. Seeing her like that again, how she always used to be with me, how she dropped the reins and let me take control. Her bruised red lips, her lust filled eyes, low and glassy. God, what I wouldn't give to be able to finish what we started. She's letting us back in, we're wearing her down. Before today I never thought I'd be able to get her to kiss me like that again, and after today I'll make sure to get that kind of kiss everyday. I want kisses like that every day until I take my last breath. Sang Baby's it for me. I knew it then, and being without her for five years only cemented that I need her in my life. And that kiss, holy gods that kiss.

Damnit, I'm supposed to be calming myself down, not working myself into a frenzy. I'm gonna need a cold shower after this.

Taking another deep breath, I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and go take a seat in the living room next to Silas. He gives me this shit eating grin, and all I can do is grunt as I try to hide the smile that's trying to take over my face.

Sang Baby walks back into the room a few minutes later with Sean, Gabe, and Luke trailing after her. The three stooges take seats on the couch opposite us, Sean pulling Sang down onto his lap at the last minute. She pouts a little but says nothing, crossing her arms before looking towards Victor and Corey as they stand in front of the T.V.

Raven, Axel, and Owen are standing against the wall next to the kitchen, with Kota, Nathan, Marc, and Brandon sitting on the stools at the breakfast bar. With everyone together, Vic starts off with what they found.

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