Chapter 14: Nathan's Redemption...Attempt

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The rest of my shift that night was as normal as possible. I had lunch with the twins on my break, and after my shift was over, we went home. And that's where normal ended. There was an Edible Arrangements bouquet waiting for me in front of the door.

I let the kids in before picking it up and bringing it inside, placing it on the kitchen table. There's a card attached that reads, "I was a dick. Always yours, Honey". Rolling my eyes, I place the card in the kitchen drawer and open the arrangement. The whole thing is filled with pineapples and strawberries in the shape of hearts. I leave it on the table as I get dinner ready, snacking on it occasionally, but leaving most for after dinner.

Can't let good fruit go to waste right?

The next few days are much of the same. On Tuesday, Owen and Kota came to the hospital with Axel. They also claimed to not have seen Nathan since he left Sunday night. When I arrived home with the kids, there was another present waiting for me. This time, it was signed copies of the Mortal Instruments series, and the DVD on blu ray. The note attached had a picture of the recall rune x'ed out, below it said, "You're stuck with me. We have kids. Your loving pain, Honey".

Wednesday brought Luke and Gabriel with Marc, still with no knowledge of Nathan's whereabouts. The gift left in front of my door were the board-games Life and Sorry. The attached note said, "I'm sure I'll be apologizing for the rest of my life, but you three are worth it. Idiotically yours, Honey".

By Thursday I'd grown tired of asking. So when Victor showed up with Corey, I did my best to ignore them. The gifts that day were two of the Hatchimals toys for the kids, and a life sized stuffed Labrador Retriever for me. The note said, "Not sure if you'll let the kids have a real pet yet, so this is in preparation for when we get them one for their birthday. Forever in your doghouse, Honey".

I hate to admit how much his perseverance is wearing me down. I'd actually begun looking forward to his gifts, and the attached notes always make my heart ache. Needless to say, he was still in the doghouse, but it's refreshing to see that him making an effort.

On Friday, I ignore North and Silas as they come in with Raven, but tell Raven to contact the others and have them here by lunch time. When it's time for my break, all of the boys are waiting for me in the waiting room. I have them follow me up to pediatrics, and let them spend time with the twins while we all have lunch in the playroom. The kids seem to enjoy it, but Nathan's absence is still felt.

When we all return to the house, there is no gift waiting. I try to smother my frown as I open the door and turn on the lights. The sight that greets me is something straight out of a beach themed fairy tale. There's a sandbox in the middle of my living room, a palm tree in the corner by the balcony, and twinkle lights hanging around the walls. Nathan is standing in front of the kitchen with a bouquet of imperial roses.

"Kids, go to your room," I tell the twins. "Mommy might say something that you don't need to hear."

"Mommy," Morgan pulls on my hand. "Give him a chance ok?"

"In your room love," I tell her.

She gives me a pleading look before grabbing her brother's hand and takes him down the hall to their room.

"Raven, you hid all the firearms before you let him in right?" Corey whispers to Raven.

"Maybe," he answers.

Marc and Brandon chuckle before Axel pins them with a glare.

"Is there a reason there's a fake beach in the middle of my living room, Nathan?" I ask him.

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